President Trump


Well-Known Member
So now Trump admits he lied about the reason for the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians....

Who would have thought?
It would now appear that the focus of the investigation is now focused on Don Jr. If he ends up going to jail and given the cloud of suspicion that would hang over the Trump organization you could very well end up with March 1968 all over again when a sitting president once again announces to the nation that he will not seek reelection.
Mueller has his clear, specific and defined orders from the Justice Department. He will carry out those orders to their full , fair and complete conclusion.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
It would now appear that the focus of the investigation is now focused on Don Jr. If he ends up going to jail and given the cloud of suspicion that would hang over the Trump organization you could very well end up with March 1968 all over again when a sitting president once again announces to the nation that he will not seek reelection.
Mueller has his clear, specific and defined orders from the Justice Department. He will carry out those orders to their full , fair and complete conclusion.
Not hardly. More like a blank check.

Find some dirt, any dirt, on Trump so we can coronate Hillary!

Rod Rosenstein’s Letter Appointing Mueller Special Counsel

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Do you believe that the Trump campaign was informed that the Russians were attempting to infiltrate their campaign?
What exactly is it you believe the Russians did that changed the election?
If they altered the voting results or stuffed the ballot boxes, then I agree.
If they tried to influence the electorate with misinformation, hell, the media does that every day.
I suspect you wouldn't have as much of a problem with it had HC won.


Staff member
What exactly is it you believe the Russians did that changed the election?
If they altered the voting results or stuffed the ballot boxes, then I agree.
If they tried to influence the electorate with misinformation, hell, the media does that every day.
I suspect you wouldn't have as much of a problem with it had HC won.
Well the reason that both campaigns were informed was because the FBI was cautioning them of the threat. So what you’re saying then, is not “no collusion” but that it doesn’t matter. I suppose next you’ll say that collusion isn’t a crime and I’ll ask this: what is the difference between conspiracy and collusion?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
What exactly is it you believe the Russians did that changed the election?
If they altered the voting results or stuffed the ballot boxes, then I agree.
If they tried to influence the electorate with misinformation, hell, the media does that every day.
I suspect you wouldn't have as much of a problem with it had HC won.
Domestic media

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
It would now appear that the focus of the investigation is now focused on Don Jr. If he ends up going to jail and given the cloud of suspicion that would hang over the Trump organization you could very well end up with March 1968 all over again when a sitting president once again announces to the nation that he will not seek reelection.
Mueller has his clear, specific and defined orders from the Justice Department. He will carry out those orders to their full , fair and complete conclusion.
Trump will pardon Jr.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Well the reason that both campaigns were informed was because the FBI was cautioning them of the threat. So what you’re saying then, is not “no collusion” but that it doesn’t matter. I suppose next you’ll say that collusion isn’t a crime and I’ll ask this: what is the difference between conspiracy and collusion?
Show me the legal statute that makes "collusion" a crime.
Receiving 'dirt' on the opponent may be reprehensible, but doubtful it rises to criminal.
Unless there was an exchange of some sort. Then it becomes serious.


Staff member
Show me the legal statute that makes "collusion" a crime.
Receiving 'dirt' on the opponent may be reprehensible, but doubtful it rises to criminal.
Unless there was an exchange of some sort. Then it becomes serious.
Oh. I agree. Nobody will ever be charged with collusion. Perfectly legal. Now if during the collusion, the participants conspired to commit election fraud, then of course charges could be filed.

And that makes sense that it would be worded neutrally as collusion. It’s like investigating a death. It’s not a murder until some amount of investigation takes place.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Show me the legal statute that makes "collusion" a crime.
Receiving 'dirt' on the opponent may be reprehensible, but doubtful it rises to criminal.
Unless there was an exchange of some sort. Then it becomes serious.
Campaigns can not accept things of value from foreign governments. “Dirt” has value, the Trump campaign broke the law seeking and accepting dirt from Russia.


Show me the legal statute that makes "collusion" a crime.
Receiving 'dirt' on the opponent may be reprehensible, but doubtful it rises to criminal.
Unless there was an exchange of some sort. Then it becomes serious.
Mueller is not looking for collusion. He's looking for obstruction and conspiracy. Ttku


Well-Known Member
Not hardly. More like a blank check.

Find some dirt, any dirt, on Trump so we can coronate Hillary!

Rod Rosenstein’s Letter Appointing Mueller Special Counsel
Yes, I've read it before. The key word is obviously "coordination" but then again the orders were issued by Rod Rosenstein a Trump appointed and confirmed deputy attorney general. No, we are not going to coronate Hillary Clinton. An even less qualified Mike Pence will take the oath and will assume the role of caretaker president for the balance of the term. What would be his chances of securing the nomination if this scenario were to play out? Not impossible but not very good and that's why Mitt Romney the carpetbagger Senate candidate is out there on the fringes looking for a second chance if one opens up.