President Trump

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
What I see is a real effort to make things better for everyone. Something you and friends said would only happen for the rich under Trump. Must be worrisome, hoping that everything goes bad so that your party can get back in and continue the "progress."
How do massive stock buybacks make things better for everyone? That’s where all the money from the tax cuts went. It’s where the small amount of corporate repatriated money went. It artificially inflates stock price with no underlying increase in real value, a bubble if you will.


Well-Known Member
Just throwing it out there. Jimmy Carter was an awful executive but a real decent human being. You'll be out on your ass real quick being a decent person.

"The two parties are two wings of the same bird of prey and they're preying on you, the American people." .Pat Buchanan

also incompetent


Well-Known Member
How do massive stock buybacks make things better for everyone? That’s where all the money from the tax cuts went. It’s where the small amount of corporate repatriated money went. It artificially inflates stock price with no underlying increase in real value, a bubble if you will.

you missed or chose to ignore the presentation by Hassett . He showed about 5 different charts that showed that businesses are making long term investments in capital goods and opening up new factories. Many large corporations passed on profits to their people. I'm not sure well I guess I am where you come up with this leftist socialistic nonsense.


Well-Known Member
Where's this fantasy country where no one works or consumes? Italy? Spain?
im not saying that.

im saying your not a good american if you just work for UPS and buy consumer goods.

the country is going downhill for decades now, and you are leeching off of historical labour struggles.


Well-Known Member
Spending bills passed by the Republican controlled Congress. Deficit spending is of no concern to Republicans when it's their deficit spending. Notice how quiet they've been regarding this matter lately?
Spending bills passed with the help of Democrats because not enough Republicans would go along with it. As informed as you are on some matters don't tell me you aren't aware of this.


Well-Known Member