President Trump


Well-Known Member
Spending bills passed by the Republican controlled Congress. Deficit spending is of no concern to Republicans when it's their deficit spending. Notice how quiet they've been regarding this matter lately?

was It a pure republican vote that passed this spending bill? I thought the republicans had to add spending to this bill to get democrats to vote for it.

you realize your democrats could win everything if they ran on strict spending controls and a balanced budget?


Staff member
No, but I don't see anyone in this administration having meetings with CEO's or foreign governments who gave millions to their foundation or who paid them a half million or more to speak at their gettogethers either. Or who refused to turn over emails under subpoena and destroyed devices to make sure the emails weren't recoverable. So if we're going to talk corruption start there. If you aren't willing to address the corruption of your favorite president's administration then don't act all self righteous about this administration.
I’ve already admitted that corruption.

Do you see corruption in the Trump administration. It’s ok. You can answer. We know the answer.


Well-Known Member
I’ve already admitted that corruption.

Do you see corruption in the Trump administration. It’s ok. You can answer. We know the answer.

Gee lets see who I can coerce into saying what this time . you rarely have an opinion on anything that you express clearly. instead you try to badger people into saying certain things you think they should be saying. its ok the first time, kind of fetishy almost creepy about the third time I see you doing it.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Yes. You see the corruption in Trump’s administration.
What I see is a real effort to make things better for everyone. Something you and friends said would only happen for the rich under Trump. Must be worrisome, hoping that everything goes bad so that your party can get back in and continue the "progress."

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Just throwing it out there. Jimmy Carter was an awful executive but a real decent human being. You'll be out on your ass real quick being a decent person.

"The two parties are two wings of the same bird of prey and they're preying on you, the American people." .Pat Buchanan