President Trump


Well-Known Member
or mistakes , people do make mistakes unless of course they are a member of the opposing party in which case it is always clear criminal intent.

at least you're now conceding my point that Trump has been audited exhaustively.

the premise of your New York times article is also along that line.
there have thousands of people who have contributed to the financial record keeping of the trumps past and present. your argument alleges an organized crime activity.

Those records have been audited internally and externally by licensed private sector auditors . your argument alleges those people were also part of this organized crime activity.

those records were also audited by government auditors at all levels. Your argument would indicate that those auditors were also part of the conspiracy.

and then we are expected to believe a couple of reporters who are not as well versed in accounting practices somehow discovered what all those prior could not.

its a story line that only a few desperate snowflakes could possibly swallow and thus my original point.

So, you're going full snow-flake.

(Never go full snow-flake...)

It's OK, like I said, if you want to like 'the Donald', go for it.

You still haven't disputed the veracity of the NYT article.

You brought up a bunch of nonsense which has nothing to do with anything.


Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
A libertarian wouldn't defend Drumpf as you have.
Because you said so? LOL

I haven't really defended him, I just said I like his results.
I haven't defended any of his rancor or Tweets.
He is funny as hell, even though I don't like him and never have.

I do think he is a breath of fresh air after Obama, whom I genuinely liked.
I say that because I thought Obama, more so than any other President, did not respect the Constitution.