effiminate in Edwards, I agree.
I think we need someone who looks strong, not just good.
Im not real impressed with any of the front runners. And I could not with good conscience vote for any of the democrats.
I dont like Juliani, sorry More, but he reminds me of the guy on south park, and while he has done great thing with and for NYC, I dont see him as presidential. Romney looks presidential, but he seems to get tripped up easily. Thompson isnt pretty but I liked him on Paul Harvey, and on the debate when he wouldnt play, raise your hand.
Ron Paul on everything but the military, and Mcain, Im thinking hes getting too old, but other than disagreeing with waterboarding, and some other views, I could live with most of them.
Huckabee on fair tax, leans me that way, but its early, and really too early to do more than wonder, what we will actually get in 08.