Well, the silence of the regular republicans on this board says it all.
It was pretty apparent, that DRUMPF was unprepared, aggitated, angry, ill tempered and completely lost in trying to debate serious issues. His excessive breathing, sniffing was really annoying. I dont know, maybe his cocaine habit was wrecking havoc on his deviated septum and he was unable to breath properly?..
He was wrong on so many issues, that isnt even funny. Hillary corrected him on many things he was clearly WRONG about.
DRUMPF tried to repeat the same right wing claim, that OBAMA withdrew the troops from IRAQ and that caused ISIS to form, but hillary made it clear, that the SOFA, or the Status of Forces Agreement, signed by GW BUSH made it clear on ALL THE WITHDRAWAL dates and timetables, and there was NOTHING OBAMA could have done about that.
DRUMPF interupted over 50 times, cause he was losing his mind being attacked, and that goes to show how THINNED SKINNED DRUMPF really is. It goes to show how he DOESNT have the temperment to be the President of the United States.
His understanding of stop and frisk and the unconstitutionality of the ruling seemed to be his biggest demonstration of his lack of understanding of the rule of law.
Stop and Frisk may work at a rally full of ignorant red necks, but it doesnt work in an audience of college students, and it doesnt work against a totally prepared candidate like Hillary Clinton.
You all know DRUMPF got OWNED in this debate, and to say anything different would be even more ignorant than the debate itself.
Just admit, DRUMPF had a poor showing, and he didnt produce, like you all thought he would.
You people were so convinced he was going to tear hillary apart, make her cry, watch her breakdown, and instead, you watched your man self destruct in his own stupidity.
Congrats however, you nominated the dumbest person to ever represent your party and that should make GW BUSH feel alot better, cause that takes the monkey off his back.
But , I know, I know, it will only be a matter of minutes before you all start saying "he'll get her next time"..."drumpf will strike back at the