Angela Davis is credited with coming up with the term “
Prison Industrial Complex” (PIC). It means that prisons are big business because everything related to prisons like food, prison employees, surveillance, and construction have a cost.
Most prisons and jails are going to buildings, food, uniforms and most anything is provided by a non-Government entity and these costs have to be paid for by the prison population.
The U.S. prison population began to skyrocket in the 1970s with President Nixon’s “war on drugs.” and Corporations understood this was a unique opportunity to make money off of prisons themselves and cheap prison slave labor. Prisoners make military gear, uniforms, car parts, jeans, and even Victoria’s Secret lingerie - and are paid as little as 25 CENTS an hour.
Prisons are an industry, just like restaurants or hotels. This causes corporations and even government to have other motives. Corporations and Governments are making money off imprisoning people, that makes the criminal justice system susceptible to corruption.
The prison reform movement is changing how we think of criminal justice, but corporations still have their hands in profiting off of new reforms.
One of the best ways to end the prison industrial complex is to keep big business out of it!
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