You'll understand more when you're doing the job. Being a seasonal and becoming a supervisor. Imagine how you would feel if the shoe was on the other foot.
If you're in school, and you can run a slide or a line and you get your degree then ft is a possibility. I don't have mine and chose to not go to school for awhile. The company right now isn't promoting to ft supervisor unless you've displayed you are at least in school. I work in a 40k hub so my personal views can be skewed. Do you have a chance? Yea. Like I said, you have to be the best and well liked by your center manager and DM and there will be an opportunity. Might not wanna count your chickens if you know what I mean though.
Right. And if they don't want to promote me, I can move on and actually get a job in my field after college.
You've got to wonder why they all quit? I would ask them if there is any way you could. You just want to go into knowing all sides, and not only that UPS says it is a "great" job. Everyone knows that UPS needs some good sups. Hope it works out for you whichever way you decide to take it.
I understand that they get treated like crap and it's hard. But that's what the higher pay is for. Harder work earns you more money. You have a bigger risk of getting fired. Bigger risk, more money.
And I asked pretty much every supe I came into contact with if they liked it and would recommend it. Some said to stay hourly. Some loved being a supe.
And if I get fired, it won't be the end of the world since I'm so young. Like somebody else said, it will look good on my resume and teach me valuable skills.