production ride


Well-Known Member
upsset said:
They are federal property and the mailman can and will remove your package and bring it to the post office. They will also call UPS and make us come and get it. Don't use mailboxes, go to the house and use proper DR methods.

my sup also said, become friends with mailman. when i asked why, he told me to ask another driver


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
There you go, why else would it be an option?
I used to think we were not allowed, but since it is in the board, and its already stuffed full, and there is no better place to put it, arrow down to L ..the mailbox...


Well-Known Member
Yep, ask for the 340 methods sheet. You ask the new drivers what the 340 methods are, and they will look at you and say...34...what?

The new driver orientation in our area doesn't cover 340 methods. It's a shame, because if you use them, you will always be "over allowed".


From the promised LAND Use for Mail under 3.2.11, Newspaper Receptacle, the receptacles described in 3.1.1 may be used only for matter bearing postage. Other than as permitted by 3.2.10, Delivery of Unstamped Newspapers, or 3.2.11, no part of a mail receptacle may be used to deliver any matter not bearing postage, including items or matter placed upon, supported by, attached to, hung from, or inserted into a mail receptacle. Any mailable matter not bearing postage and found as described above is subject to the same postage as would be paid if it were carried by mail.

What part of shall not do you not understand. Basic services, which the post office delivers are the only UPS packages that are ever allowed inside of mail boxes. Otherwise the mail carrier can take them back to the post office for postage due and hold them there till the customer pays them for the package.



Slothrop said:
You're welcome.

Back to posting copyrighted material and proprietary intellectual property, I see.

Evidently UPS is going to have to make an example out of someone before people start to "get it."


From the promised LAND
Then you add this from the 340 methods that every one of you should know.


Seems like there is a period at the end of that statement. That would mean that it is not open to personal interpretation by either the driver or local management.

Now, you have seen quotes from both companies dealing with leaving packages in mail boxes.

So why are so many of you either so stupid or rebellious to keep doing something that is wrong, and trying to "make nice to the mail man on your route" so you can break the law and company policy?

I just dont get it. You get paid, and paid well to deliver the package to the house. So why not just do your job and quit trying to cut corners and spend all that time trying to cut corners that will over the long term cost you more time and problems.



Well-Known Member
0007 said:
Back to posting copyrighted material and proprietary intellectual property, I see.

Evidently UPS is going to have to make an example out of someone before people start to "get it."

Excuse me, 0007, back to posting? When have I posted copyrighted material from UPS? I did not receive that document from UPS, nor do i see anywhere on it a copyright notice or a 'do not distribute, proprietary information' disclaimer. It's a shame that UPS does not make that information available to its drivers. Seems as though they don't "get it".

Amazing how some unregistered posters can have their message posted in a matter of minutes, and others it takes days, if posted at all.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I agree, I was told that when I started..,. BUT, then they should take it out of the board as an option, correct?


From the promised LAND
I would suspect that the answer is some schmuck from IE that has never seen a UPS man deliver. You know how easy it is for those that dont know the difference to confuse us with the post office bunch.

Susie, 007, your conversation is interesting in that while UPS wants all of us to learn and follow the methods, there are very few examples of it available for reading. I got my copy through the back door also, to actually help a driver keep his job. Sometimes the company hates it when you know what is in the methods better than they do.



Well-Known Member
toonertoo said:
I agree, I was told that when I started..,. BUT, then they should take it out of the board as an option, correct?

Mailbox is not an option in my board. I can't imagine what idiot would have put it into a DIAD board if they knew it was illegal and against company policy to leave packages in mail boxes. (Well, come to think of it, there sure are a lot of people in management these days who never drove before getting promoted...)


Well-Known Member
Really what is the harm of putting a small package in a mailbox if there is mail already in it? Who is it hurting? I mean if the customer grabs his mail on the way in and gets his UPS package also. The only people to ever know it was there was the customer and the UPS driver. As a customer I sure wouldn't mind as the mailbox is protective of weather. There are times to use the mailbox and times not to. The driver in my town does it all the time.


From the promised LAND
Using your train of thought, why not help yourself to three quarters out of the cash register. After all, three quarters, who will miss them. Who would ever know. Or even a dime.

I'm sure if you went into a business and saw five bucks sitting on the receivers desk you would not take it, would you. Why, because it is wrong. The level of wrong or what it would hurt is not the issue.

So why are you making an issue of this item. You've heard from the post office, and from the company. Neither allow this type of behavior. Period.

I can see it now, you leave a NDA letter in the mail box because the mail man has already run, he discovers a small package himself a couple of hours later and goes back to discover your deposit. So he takes yours back to the post office after leaving them a not on a postage due package and they need to pick it up at the post office. So three days after they were to get the NDA letter they finally pay the $6.32 postage due to get the UPS delivery. Personally that would piss me off to no end, and I would want someones head.

Give the customer what they pay for, give they company what they pay you to do. Its just that simple. As I said, neither statement allows for personal interpretations.



Well-Known Member
Maybe if Browniehound would deliver using the proper methods and stop looking for all of these little time saving shortcuts that shortchange the customer on the service that they are paying for he would not be running so far paid under and making the regular driver on that route appear to be such as a lazy clocksucking slob as he likes to do.


From the promised LAND
I had to read that twice to catch that L. I was wondering how that post paid it with all the filters that are built in.

I dont have a problem with Brownie beating the standards. Not even if he beat them by 6 hours or more. But what I do have a problem with is someone comparing the cover driver with the regular driver when the regular driver does things by the book and rules that UPS wants the driver to use. So who is giving the company what the company is looking for?

Well Brownies sup loves him because he makes the management team look good. But let him leave a package or letter in the mail box and a stink gets raised, and see who gets hung out to dry. Then all of a sudden the regular driver begins to look good.



Well-Known Member
Danny, I agree with you 100% and on occasion I have seen the company agree with the fact that a paid over driver that does the right thing in the long run cost the company far less money than the run and gun hotshot that gets their numbers for them. We had a driver that retired approx 5 years ago that would run almost 2 hours over every day but would never get a complaint or followup and the mechanic said that he does not remember ever even putting a clutch in that truck(and it was a vintage 1971 P600) and the bosses would say that they prefer a driver like him in comparison to another driver that we have that would run an hour and a half paid under but recieves a multitude of complaints and followups(many of which he pays out of his pocket) and his truck is constantly in the shop but the following day they would be pushing for more performance again, which usually costs the customer quality of service.


Well-Known Member
can see it now, you leave a NDA letter in the mail box because the mail man has already run, he discovers a small package himself a couple of hours later and goes back to discover your deposit. So he takes yours back to the post office after leaving them a not on a postage due package and they need to pick it up at the post office
i have seen this happen a lot in the town i used to deliver in,except that the post office would call UPS a couple days later and tell them we have a package of yours..and the customer has already called UPS to ask where the driver left the package that shows delivered..and then to watch the driver try to explain where he left it..and the center manager explaining to the driver why he is getting another warning letter..
if it can fit in the mail box it can fit between the doors why do it?


Well-Known Member
The same that happens when they ask you to leave their wine with a SDN. You write a polite message on a new delivery notice, circle the number and let the 1-800 operators explain it if they need clarification.