Using your train of thought, why not help yourself to three quarters out of the cash register. After all, three quarters, who will miss them. Who would ever know. Or even a dime.
I'm sure if you went into a business and saw five bucks sitting on the receivers desk you would not take it, would you. Why, because it is wrong. The level of wrong or what it would hurt is not the issue.
So why are you making an issue of this item. You've heard from the post office, and from the company. Neither allow this type of behavior. Period.
I can see it now, you leave a NDA letter in the mail box because the mail man has already run, he discovers a small package himself a couple of hours later and goes back to discover your deposit. So he takes yours back to the post office after leaving them a not on a postage due package and they need to pick it up at the post office. So three days after they were to get the NDA letter they finally pay the $6.32 postage due to get the UPS delivery. Personally that would piss me off to no end, and I would want someones head.
Give the customer what they pay for, give they company what they pay you to do. Its just that simple. As I said, neither statement allows for personal interpretations.