Property taxes


Well-Known Member
Always great to get a gift like that. A few years ago we got an 800 dollar check from some lawyer out east with a letter stating it was part of an estate settlement from some person we had never heard of. We spent a week asking other relatives on both sides of the family if they had ever heard if the deceased--no one had. I also searched the internet for this guys history but we still couldn't make a connection. To this day we still don't know why we were included in the will. The check cashed with no problem.
Wife's ex lover.


nowhere special
Everyone I know that has appealed says it is not worth it. Your taxes go down a year or two. Then they go thru the roof.

Here they just average it based on recent home sales in the area and tends to be on the low side. If you try to get them to look at it more closely you are more likely to see it go up even more than have it decrease.


Just a turd
just got mine. Went up almost 40% over last year.

Are you friend'n kidding me!!!!!
giphy (4).gif

That makes me happy Mr 1%er