After the recent stunts the union leaders have pulled, I am no longer proud to be a Teamster.
By far, the best tool all Americans have to fight "corporate greed" is their ability to hit corporations in the wallet, either through boycotts or through their ability to strike. This is much more effective than any law, rule or executive order.
So, when the union entered into contract negotiations without the ability to strike, it was as smart as bringing a knife to a gun fight.
Another issue is the union's blind support for obamacare. And, look what it got us. Perhaps our union leaders need to be reminded that the main reason why we support the union is their ability to negotiate our (healthcare) benefits? Supporting obamacare, essentially, gave away a significant portion of their bargaining power.
Finally, the way the union misled us about the healthcare benefits - telling us we should support the plan before we know what's in it. Sound familiar?
I thought the union is supposed to be about raising the living standards for all workers. Not lying to us and forcing some of us down to the levels of others.