Putin read Biden from the beginning, the man is near 80 and losing his mental capabilities even his supporters would agree on that...On the other side Putin is on top of his game and in complete control of this situation.
Would it be different if Trump had his second term we will never know thanks to the Chinese Viruses. The timing of these events is no accident, Trump would of win easily if it was not for the pandemic which caused the Floyd riots, we all were being played with the politics that followed.
We will not send in ground troops so the Russian troops might just walk on in to those regions much like the Taliban. The only plus is that the US military will be testing their superior arms technology, but if the resisting forces bail we will be only offering these resources to our enemies.
We better start drilling again and get started with that Canadian Pipeline again, it will be a long year if they do not settle this issue. To “Hell” with the spotted owls and the First Nations, if you think inflation is bad now... just wait...