Boobies?@Future loves those.
Don't be a puss.
Consider it.... for what it is.
I would have more respect for you, by telling the truth.
Perhaps....I’ll ask himBoobies?
You're feeling really proud of yourself right now aren't you![]()
Working people hard has always been the rule at Ups. But this last peak was past the point of reasonableness in many areas. 70 hours in 5 days is not OK for a physically demanding job.
I think it is UPS management that better consider if they are destroying this company.
Yes.Do Happy Meals still come in that little box?
Dude shut up about bitterness. I'm not bitter but your ignorant posting, acting like you know everything, is annoying.Ok, I get it Overnight was seriously anti-union. As I said, I believe that is one reason UPS went that direction. I will admit to being completely ignorant about Overnight until the announcement of the purchase in '05. At that time I was on assignment working with SCS and I remember being excited when the merger was announced because the logistics full service offerings SCS was trying to provide had one huge weakness, LTL freight.
Remember, the leadership in 2005 was still smarting from what it considered a betrayal by it's employees and the union in 97. SCS was holding training classes back then to train management on ways to prevent organizing efforts in the subsidiaries. But then in 08 a deal was cut to organize UPS Freight in return for an exit from the corporation killing Central states pension. Since that time, the people that had previously been Overnight scabs, were now UPS Freight teamsters. They've been your brothers for 10 years. You've got to let the bitterness go.
The master of the obvious.I was around in 97. I started in 91 and was in a technical non bargaining unit roll during the strike.
I was not around this past peak, I left in '15 so I can't really speak to specific failures this peak but can give my general impressions from prior years. One effect of ecommerce has been that peak volume growth compared to the rest of the year is much larger, and the way the surges in volume are spread through the peak time period have gotten less predictable. Planning for that has gotten way more difficult than it used to be. Remember in '13 the spoke was once again bigger than anticipated and weather knocked out a couple key locations for several days causing an unmitigated disaster in most places. So in 14 UPS spent hundreds of millions updating facilities, hiring, renting and buying equipment, and had one of the smoothest peaks I can remember. But, they made less profit than anticipated and wall street no likey. So back to the drawing board and try to make it work only a bit leaner. I left just prior to peak '15 but was told it was horrific by a couple guys I worked with.
UPS has the most expensive employees in the industry. It currently makes money because those employees do more than each of their counterparts at other companies. UPS has grown as ecommerce has exploded, but more of the increase has gone to competition mainly do to price. The not union competition had more flexibility to adjust what they charge and still make a profit. These are simple facts. The UPS business model for years has been basically "pay employees more than anyone else, and then beat them like a rented mule to get our moneys worth". Makes for a crappy environment, I get that. I would just warm against approaching this in an overly passionate way. Union hourlies make UPS what it is, and you have the power to destroy it as well.
Yeah, called Orion.It used to come with a toy, didn't it?
The master of the obvious.
Why are you even on here posting in the union forum?
You've got to let it go dude.
Let it go.
Dude shut up about bitterness. I'm not bitter but your ignorant posting, acting like you know everything, is annoying.
Dude, you've got to let the ignorant posting go.
Ok. I'm really not trying to pretend I know everything. I flat out admitted to things I'm ignorant about. The story of Overnight after the purchase by UPS and unionization of that business unit is what I remember. If I'm wrong about it, please enlighten me. Just calling me ignorant without explaining what I'm missing quite frankly sounds a tad bitter. I'll let that go though.
Is that Monkey Butt?
If you make it to 20 or 25 years and you at that time are then an old timer, come back at that time and tell us how spoiled you are!I voted yes to the strike if necessary but I would hope that my Union leaders can come to an agreement before that is necessary. I am only 2 years in but from my perspective it seems that many of the employees with longer tenure are rather spoiled. Old timers expect more and honestly in today's day and age us UPSers don't have it as bad as many think. I agree the work/family life is rough but i signed up for it for a salary that will eventually do more for us. My wife works full time and holds it down at home with the kids while i give 10/12 hour days. I pray for a contract prior to strike, it will only hurt my pocket.
Do people do that?