Saw a PVD at my ny building today , it really bothers me for 2 reasons that we have these pvds ..1 cause it’s taking away our drivers union work…and 2) if ups must use pvds then pre loaders should be able to get first dibs and in seniority order if they are interested in doing the work why as a u ion member wanting hours do I slave for 4 hours in the building and then have to get in my car and see a non union guy w a regular car load packages and go deliver them at 21 an hour for 4-8 hours….I can easily do that I’m already at the building and I have years experience , w ups and years experience delivering for all the delivery apps the past few years…I’m sure there are plenty other union pre loaders looking for some extra hours or cash and why not give it to them if we HAVE TO EVEN HAVE them to begin with …I say we don’t have them at all but I get how much money they save the company so
if we only use them for 2 months and only 2 months then pre loaders should get some hours….the problem will be that if they stick around for 2 months then 2 becomes 4 and 4 becomes 6 and so on n so forth and then next thing ya know we have full time non union pvds and full time union drivers and a big nightmare ….again if it’s a must need then make it for pre loaders keep it in house for our union guys and throw a couple of hours out to the pre loaders (if the drivers are all to busy, which is when and only when they get used )