Racism rears its ugly head


Well-Known Member
I got an update from Ancestry.com today. My genetic makeup was changed. Instead of being 75% Northwestern European and 25% Irish-German and Baltic States they now say its 67% NW European, 32% Irish-German and Baltic States, and have now added 1% Congo :rofl:. Hey @MAKAVELI---we could be related! Black Power !!!!!!! I'm going to break the news to the rest of the family when they get together at my house for Christmas. This should be a HOOT. I should be able to use the N word now - right? Where's my repreations?

My brother, bet that old, new member swelled with pride, welcome to the family:thumbup::thumbup1:


Well-Known Member
We’ll have to initiate you first. Pick one of your grandchildren and we’ll have a good ol fashion lynching. It’ll be fun. We’ll have a picnic.

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Weren't you raised by crackers? You have a funny way of showing gratitude to those that actually wanted you.
I'm a lot closer to the history you depicted and it isn't now.
It's :censored2: negroes like you that refuse to let things continue to improve. I will say nowadays there are a lot more high yellow, caramel colored than in my darker days. Always been a cracker in the woodpile, just more now I guess.
You refuse to look past pigmentation.

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