Racism rears its ugly head


Well-Known Member
It’s a view from right wingers like @Box Ox to excuse themselves from not caring about problems in the system. In that twisted worldview if whites see systemic racism and work to correct it they are only doing it because they believe black people are too inferior to exist within the current system. It’s a way to stick your fingers in your ears and pretend everything is awesome.

looks like you're projecting. this is exactly what the dems have done to black america

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Of course not. Those who take responsibility for their lives, just like those of every other race, usually have good results. Those who've developed a dependency on government tend to not do so well, just like every other race. When the government does spend a lot on education, in Baltimore for example, and the majority of kids aren't able to pass competency tests, there has to be a certain amount of responsibility on their parents for their failure. They are being set up for participation in a vicious cycle.
So what’s your argument here? Either there’s a systemic reason for the wide discrepancies between races or blacks are just inherently irresponsible. If it was just personal responsibility and there were no systemic reasons, then outcomes between races would be similar, they aren’t. All thing equal black people do worse in our society.


Well-Known Member
So what’s your argument here? Either there’s a systemic reason for the wide discrepancies between races or blacks are just inherently irresponsible. If it was just personal responsibility and there were no systemic reasons, then outcomes between races would be similar, they aren’t. All thing equal black people do worse in our society.

there should be no disparity , blacks have affirmative action privledge. Democrats have had 95 percent support from black america the past 6 decades. If black america comes up short the democratic party clearly let them down.

In Minneapolis a democratic cop and his democratic cop buddies killed a black man. They used methods allowed by a black police chief. the city is run by liberals.

there is only one party of thought to blame and everyone else can just sit back and watch as you and your liberal buddies figure it out.

anything systemic is DNC created , the only question i would have is why do blacks keep asking the plantation owner to whip them some more?


Inordinately Right
So what’s your argument here? Either there’s a systemic reason for the wide discrepancies between races or blacks are just inherently irresponsible. If it was just personal responsibility and there were no systemic reasons, then outcomes between races would be similar, they aren’t. All thing equal black people do worse in our society.
You continuously point to the consequences of actions by some blacks as proof the system is racist.

You're the parent who claims their misbehaving kid is just being picked on by the teacher.

Honestly you've probably just been by brainwashed by the race baiting liberal garbage media you consume.
Very sad.


Well-Known Member
So what’s your argument here? Either there’s a systemic reason for the wide discrepancies between races or blacks are just inherently irresponsible. If it was just personal responsibility and there were no systemic reasons, then outcomes between races would be similar, they aren’t. All thing equal black people do worse in our society.
Where blacks seem to do worse is in inner cities run by Democrats for decades. Democrats pander to get the black vote but never seem to fix anything. Trump for example was funding enterprise zones in black neighborhoods. Maybe if Democrats stopped with the subsidies in exchange for votes things would improve. Taking personal responsibility doesn't mean inherently irresponsible. It means taking charge of one's own life instead of taking the easy route of government handouts. That applies to all races but Democrats don't care about poor whites. Only poor minorities because they can use the narrative of the evil white man to scare minorities to vote for them in exchange for assistance.


nowhere special

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Where blacks seem to do worse is in inner cities run by Democrats for decades. Democrats pander to get the black vote but never seem to fix anything. Trump for example was funding enterprise zones in black neighborhoods. Maybe if Democrats stopped with the subsidies in exchange for votes things would improve. Taking personal responsibility doesn't mean inherently irresponsible. It means taking charge of one's own life instead of taking the easy route of government handouts. That applies to all races but Democrats don't care about poor whites. Only poor minorities because they can use the narrative of the evil white man to scare minorities to vote for them in exchange for assistance.
White people receive more government handouts than black people. So that is not a compelling argument for why black people have worse outcomes in our society. Even if your argument was factual you’d be making an argument that there is a systemic reason resulting in worse black outcomes. Glad you understand there is systemic racism in our society.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
So what’s your argument here? Either there’s a systemic reason for the wide discrepancies between races or blacks are just inherently irresponsible. If it was just personal responsibility and there were no systemic reasons, then outcomes between races would be similar, they aren’t. All thing equal black people do worse in our society.

There is a short video of George Floyd on Judge Judy when he was just 16, not tech savvy to attach..

Study the young teen's response to the questions and his poor father's reaction. No empathy toward the victim, it was about him..

It is all about Personal Responsibility, George unfortunately was a train wreak waiting to happen..

It is a prime example of why "black people do worse in our society" as quoted above. I will call it out like it is "Thug Mentality/Culture".

In every city in America there are teens like George and if the Democrats get into the White House and start their never ending excuses of the murder rates are happening because of systemic reasons then fully expect the next coddled African American generation to end up dead in the streets...

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
There is a short video of George Floyd on Judge Judy when he was just 16, not tech savvy to attach..

Study the young teen's response to the questions and his poor father's reaction. No empathy toward the victim, it was about him..

It is all about Personal Responsibility, George unfortunately was a train wreak waiting to happen..

It is a prime example of why "black people do worse in our society" as quoted above. I will call it out like it is "Thug Mentality/Culture".

In every city in America there are teens like George and if the Democrats get into the White House and start their never ending excuses of the murder rates are happening because of systemic reasons then fully expect the next coddled African American generation to end up dead in the streets...
So only black people have thugs in their population? That’s obviously not true.


Well-Known Member
"No history of modern conservatism I’m aware of finds much significance in the 22,000 Nazi sympathizers who rallied for Hitler at Madison Square Garden in February 1939, presided over by a giant banner of General George Washington that stretched almost all the way to the second deck, capped off by a menacing eagle insignia. Nor the now-infamous Ku Klux Klan march through the streets of Queens in 1927, when The New York Times reported “1,000 Klansmen and 100 policemen staged a free-for-all,” in which according to one contemporary news report all the individuals arrested were wearing Klan attire, and that one of those arrestees was Donald Trump’s own father. "

Rock Perlstein


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
So only black people have thugs in their population? That’s obviously not true.

You are putting words in my mouth that I never said...Those three murderers recently who beat and shot that hunting party where obviously (White as can be)...They were labeled (Thugs) ..."A Thug is a Thug No Matter What Your Skin Color Happens too Be..."

Go on call me a racist if that will make you feel happy...

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
So only black people have thugs in their population? That’s obviously not true.
You continuously point out that both white and black are afflicted with the same problems, yet the black is the only one who cannot extricate himself from the situation.

You blame systemic racism. I'm not denying that racism exists, or that it's not prevalent in many areas. But the 'systemic racism' that you decry is more the result of identifying yourselves as "African-American' rather than American, the embracing of the thug lifestyle, and the abandonment of the nuclear family in raising your young.

Society naturally eschews those who do not conform to the wider values of that society. Perhaps you should try more introspection.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
"No history of modern conservatism I’m aware of finds much significance in the 22,000 Nazi sympathizers who rallied for Hitler at Madison Square Garden in February 1939, presided over by a giant banner of General George Washington that stretched almost all the way to the second deck, capped off by a menacing eagle insignia. Nor the now-infamous Ku Klux Klan march through the streets of Queens in 1927, when The New York Times reported “1,000 Klansmen and 100 policemen staged a free-for-all,” in which according to one contemporary news report all the individuals arrested were wearing Klan attire, and that one of those arrestees was Donald Trump’s own father. "

Rock Perlstein

"So...What is your Point?"

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
"No history of modern conservatism I’m aware of finds much significance in the 22,000 Nazi sympathizers who rallied for Hitler at Madison Square Garden in February 1939, presided over by a giant banner of General George Washington that stretched almost all the way to the second deck, capped off by a menacing eagle insignia. Nor the now-infamous Ku Klux Klan march through the streets of Queens in 1927, when The New York Times reported “1,000 Klansmen and 100 policemen staged a free-for-all,” in which according to one contemporary news report all the individuals arrested were wearing Klan attire, and that one of those arrestees was Donald Trump’s own father. "

Rock Perlstein
Did you know that painters get paint on themselves?


Well-Known Member
White people receive more government handouts than black people. So that is not a compelling argument for why black people have worse outcomes in our society. Even if your argument was factual you’d be making an argument that there is a systemic reason resulting in worse black outcomes. Glad you understand there is systemic racism in our society.
There are more white people but do you honestly think if you compare whites with blacks that one group is getting more benefits than another group? Not total numbers, but individuals of one race are getting more than individuals of another race? You're trying to get me to say something you can pounce on but to say blacks are doing worse only because of external forces and never due to any fault of their own is disingenuous. Democrats have built up a dependency on poor minority groups to garner votes. YOU DON'T WANT INDEPENDENT, SUCCESSFUL BLACKS AND CALL THOSE WHO ARE "UNCLE TOM" AND OTHER SLURS. NOTHING MATTERS MORE TO YOU THAN GETTING COMPLETE POWER, INSTALLING A ONE PARTY STATE, CONTROLLING OTHERS. IT'S WHY YOU DON'T CRITICIZE THE CHINESE. YOU ADMIRE THEM. IF YOU WANT TO GET RACIAL HERE IT IS, YOU'RE A DISCREDIT TO YOUR RACE.


Well-Known Member
"No history of modern conservatism I’m aware of finds much significance in the 22,000 Nazi sympathizers who rallied for Hitler at Madison Square Garden in February 1939, presided over by a giant banner of General George Washington that stretched almost all the way to the second deck, capped off by a menacing eagle insignia. Nor the now-infamous Ku Klux Klan march through the streets of Queens in 1927, when The New York Times reported “1,000 Klansmen and 100 policemen staged a free-for-all,” in which according to one contemporary news report all the individuals arrested were wearing Klan attire, and that one of those arrestees was Donald Trump’s own father. "

Rock Perlstein
And by that you construe that Trump's a racist? Even if the above is true, and haven't seen anything to prove it true, that was a different era.


Inordinately Right
And by that you construe that Trump's a racist? Even if the above is true, and haven't seen anything to prove it true, that was a different era.
Communists like him believe in the barbaric ancient practice of ancestral fault, that sons are responsible for what their fathers did.

You still see it practiced in brutal marxist dictatorships like North Korea where they send family members of defectors to death camps.

These people are dangerous and disgusting, and so are their ideological beliefs.