It wouldn't be socially acceptable to put those in a public place.Come on now it’s just a question, pretty simple one too!
Does anyone think that physically putting these quoted images as posters up in public places would be an acceptable or advised thing to do?
Curious if others have thoughts on this that they might be willing to share.
You won’t!
No point, other than discussion.It wouldn't be socially acceptable to put those in a public place.
However society draws their lines in some very creative places as to what is and is not acceptable. And so I contest the relevancy of your point.
That can’t be good.
God, you sound like a ferret.sticks and stones may break my bones but names don’t hurt me
Me too. I thought I was special.
LOLI personally wouldn’t do it, but I have no strong feelings one way or another.
Me too. I thought I was special.
Lawd have mercy. I wonder what they were fighting about?
RacismLawd have mercy. I wonder what they were fighting about?
The last bag of hair extensions?Lawd have mercy. I wonder what they were fighting about?
Could be a discount or perceived slight, or a special on bananas. Who knows?Lawd have mercy. I wonder what they were fighting about?
BingoThe last bag of hair extensions?
God, you sound like a ferret.
Nice reply. I have no strong feelings about them. I can take them or leave them. They don’t bother me personally, most of the time.I, for one, would appreciate if @BrownFlush kept posting the funny satrical memes. Yes, satire, as in making fun of and mocking reality. Stereotypes are based on reality. When those very real trends get noticed well enough, someone makes a meme about them. @BrownFlush finds those memes, shares them, and I'm thoroughly entertained by them.