Just A UPS Guy
Peaceful protesting.But didn’t the Liberals say there is no such thing as black racism ?
I’m confused..
Peaceful protesting.But didn’t the Liberals say there is no such thing as black racism ?
I’m confused..
Opinion: Sheryl Swoopes is right: Black people can't be racist
Swoopes walked back what she said about Iowa player Caitlin Clark. But she's not wrong about racism.www.yahoo.com
AmenWhat is Privilege?
Privilege is wearing $200 sneakers when you've never had a job.
Privilege is wearing $300 Beats headphones while living on public assistance.
Privilege is having a Smartphone with a Data plan, which you receive no bill for.
Privilege is living in public subsidized housing where you don't have a utility or phone bill and where rising property taxes, rents and energy costs have absolutely no effect on the amount of food you can put on your table, which is largely covered by Government Food Stamps.
Privilege is having free health insurance for you and your family that's paid for by working taxpayers who often can't afford proper health coverage for their own families.
Privilege is having multiple national organizations promoting and protecting just your race alone that are subsidized by federal tax dollars.
Privilege is having access to a national college fund that supports only your race.
Privilege is having a television network that supports only your race.
Privilege is having most of the media news networks refuse to cover incidents wherein one race (one-eighth of the population) commits 50% of the crimes.
Privilege is the ability to go march against, and protest against anything that triggers you, without worrying about calling off from work and the consequences that accompany such.
Privilege is having as many children as you want, regardless of your employment status, and be able to send them off to daycare or pre-school you don't pay for.
Privilege is being able to vote in many states without showing a driver's license, voter ID card or other credentials -- just because your race claims they should be exempt from such requirements.
Privilege is being able to riot, loot, commit arson and tear down historic monuments without consequences -- just because you don't like folks such as Columbus, U. S. Grant or even Lincoln.
Privilege is having most of your life paid for by the working men and women who DO HAVE TO DEAL WITH RISING TAXES AND COSTS! You know, those you now call PRIVILEGED.
Sooooo, by her line of reasoning, if a White person created a business employing only White people, to have a safe space of course, it would be okay. Got it.
Blacks are too unpredictable. And always late.Sooooo, by her line of reasoning, if a White person created a business employing only White people, to have a safe space of course, it would be okay. Got it.
Wow!Blacks are too unpredictable. And always late.
Sooooo, by her line of reasoning, if a White person created a business employing only White people, to have a safe space of course, it would be okay. Got it.
Blacks are too unpredictable. And always late.
I’m sorry, I wish I had the patience to read that but considering who posted it, I probably agree.
Blacks are too unpredictable. And always late.
I’m sorry, I wish I had the patience to read that but considering who posted it, I probably agree.
We’ve been through this before, the first time it was posted.Just pointing out that the National Museum of African American History and Culture agrees with you.
I've read it several times before OxMan posted it.I’m sorry, I wish I had the patience to read that but considering who posted it, I probably agree.
Blacks are too unpredictable. And always late.
I’m sorry, I wish I had the patience to read that but considering who posted it, I probably agree.
Just pointing out that the National Museum of African American History and Culture agrees with you.
Just pointing out that the National Museum of African American History and Culture agrees with you.
We’ve been through this before, the first time it was posted.
So you reposted a graphic that the Smithsonian posted and then removed to prove what?Of course they removed it. The ridiculousness of the ideology had been put out there for everyone to see. And its critics were correct. It is racist.