Racism rears its ugly head


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
It isn’t a good time to be a Democrat much less a Liberal. After the last 4 years I have no sympathy for them. I use to feel sorry for @Next Day Err but those days are gone. If I can push him or any other Dem to the breaking point, so be it. pusillanimous foot time is over for them.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
It isn’t a good time to be a Democrat much less a Liberal. After the last 4 years I have no sympathy for them. I use to feel sorry for @Next Day Err but those days are gone. If I can push him or any other Dem to the breaking point, so be it. pusillanimous foot time is over for them.
Cutesy time is over. Steamroll right over the idiots.


Got the T-Shirt