Racism rears its ugly head


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
False religion is all he has. You can’t say it to the ones in a cult because no matter what the subject is all they have is their religious cult talking points. Outside of that they have no life or worth. It is sad. He has to save the world from his “all loving” god or else they will be dammed forever. If it wasn’t so sad it would be funny.
Self righteous.


Binge Poster
False religion is all he has. You can’t say it to the ones in a cult because no matter what the subject is all they have is their religious cult talking points. Outside of that they have no life or worth. It is sad. He has to save the world from his “all loving” god or else they will be dammed forever. If it wasn’t so sad it would be funny.
Why do you keep bringing it into this thread? I thought you had enough of it.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
My wife claims I 13th stepped her. Probably a lot of truth to that. We have been happily married for 28 years and still going sober and strong.

My wife and I have been saved from drugs and religion. 43 yrs for us and if we would not of left the false Christian church religion we would have been divorced decades ago. The only way 2 people can stay in a religion is if they both are brainwashed and believe the same BS. Once one wakes up it is over. Thankfully my wife and I grew up in our 20s and realized what a lie drugs and religion is.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
You brought it in. I’ll take it out. Bye Felicia.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
He’s a reformed drunk, preying on the newcomers. 13th stepping

I have seen many times addictive personalities will leave their addiction to drugs and replace it with addiction to religion. Both will consume and destroy one’s life and while the person is in either they will not see it. I speak from experience since my wife and I have broken free from both of them. Religion was the hardest.
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Well-Known Member
I have seen many times addictive personalities will leave their addiction to drugs and replace it with addiction to religion. Both will consume and destroy one’s life and while the person is in either they will not see it. I speak from experience since my wife and I have broken free from both of them. Religion was the hardest.
So if someone is sincerely trying to live the Christian life, not harming others, not abusing himself with drugs or sex addictions, he's destroying his life?


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
So if someone is sincerely trying to live the Christian life, not harming others, not abusing himself with drugs or sex addictions, he's destroying his life?

Many people just goes to church for “fire insurance” and not an addict. My wife and I was deep in several churches and denominations So In my opinion and experience… yes it was destroying my life. Ask any drug addict if they are destroying their life. You will get the same answer as a religion addict. No one wants to be around a drug addict except other addicts. No one wants to be around a religious addict except other religious addicts. With religious addicts they don’t even want to be around other religious addicts of another religion.
If I had to relive my drug addiction or religion addiction years, I would take drugs in a heart beat. When I was in the middle of each I would have told you I was happy. You cannot see until you have lived and then are on the outside of each to understand the destruction.
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Well-Known Member
Many people just goes to church for “fire insurance” and not an addict. My wife and I was deep in our church. So In my opinion and experience… yes it was destroying my life. Ask any drug addict if they are destroying their life. You will get the same answer as a religion addict. No one wants to be around a drug addict except other addicts. No one wants to be around a religious addict except other religious addicts. With religious addicts they don’t even want to be around other religious addicts of another religion.
If I had to relive my drug addiction or religion addiction years, I would take drugs in a heart beat. When I was in the middle of each I would have told you I was happy. You cannot see until you have lived and then are on the outside of each.
You really didn't answer my question though. And is it really fair to assume the average person's motives? I have no idea what you were involved in that makes you so angry, but I can honestly say if the Christian life is sincerely attempted it's the best life one can lead.


Well-Known Member
You really didn't answer my question though. And is it really fair to assume the average person's motives? I have no idea what you were involved in that makes you so angry, but I can honestly say if the Christian life is sincerely attempted it's the best life one can lead.
Unfortunate thing I’ve learned from this site is a lot of people who call themselves Christians are full of hate, it’s a shame. If everyone lived the way Jesus preached the world would be an amazing place


Inordinately Right
And misinformed
It's the same people who will tell you that the indians were just peaceful enlightened nature lovers living in harmony.

They'll also tells you Jesus was cool with living in sin and breaking every single law and cultural norm as long as you have some vague idea of being nice.

They are historically illiterate and believe some very stupid Hollywood perversions of reality.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
It's the same people who will tell you that the indians were just peaceful enlightened nature lovers living in harmony.

They'll also tells you Jesus was cool with living in sin and breaking every single law and cultural norm as long as you have some vague idea of being nice.

They are historically illiterate and believe some very stupid Hollywood perversions of reality.
They really can’t help it, they’re not educated beyond MSM.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
You really didn't answer my question though. And is it really fair to assume the average person's motives? I have no idea what you were involved in that makes you so angry, but I can honestly say if the Christian life is sincerely attempted it's the best life one can lead.

I’m just answering from my experience and observation. I’m not talking about a drug dabbler or a religion dabbler I’m talking about an addict. A person that is consumed by either. As I have said I have been and seen both sides. I am not angry, I am just thankful. When we left the church we just left without talking bad about the church, we just left. After spending years around “Christians” I now will not even say I’m a Christian. To a church person they think saying “I’m a Christian” is a good thing. Just like a vegan thinks that saying “I’m a vegan” is a good thing. Anyone outside of either cult doesn’t look at either as a positive (believe me). I still have Christian and even atheist friends. I hate to say it but if I had to count on one I would call the atheist. I am very conservative so much so I left the Republican Party, they are too liberal for me (I don’t belong to any party).
If anyone does drugs and doesn’t harm anyone and Says “I’m happy” good for them. If someone is a church goer and doesn’t harm anyone and says “I’m happy” good for them. But my wife and I was addicted to both for years and the church years took more of a toll on our marriage than the drugs did. The drugs was easier to kick also. For Me, Religion had deep roots that took years to overcome. If anyone is happy in drugs or religion then I say knock yourself out but after getting free from both I never want to go back.
FYI. I have been drug free for over 30 years and religion free for over 15 years.
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