Might be a cnn reality, try discussing things with people without assuming racist and bigotry being the foundation of their political beliefs. You’ll find very few people build their ideology on that, the ones that do deserve mockery on both sides(it’s possible to be racists towards white people).
You’re conviently over looking deregulation, Israel, pro-life support, undoing of obama executive orders, keystone pipeline, Neil Gorsuch and other conservative judge appointments, Paris accord, Iran nuclear deal, stricter nato policy, Nicky Halley in the UN, confronting NK and China.
The administration has done some great things, love it not for racism or bigotry.
These are things that would of never been done under Clinton or any democrat.
Deregulation and tax cuts have been a major job creation plan and he is following through.
No I’d say republicans have zero political beliefs really. And what binds them together is hatred or fear or loathing or distrust of other groups of Americans whom they perceive to be destroying the nation.
Trump has cut very few regulations. Fact. So this is a made up talking point lie and republican voters don’t give a
about deregulation. Lol. Hey they are clamoring for oil companies to be allowed to pollute stuff. Lol.
What has trump done on Israel that’s made any lasting difference? And again I don’t think for one second republican voters are voting for the presidency with Israel policy in mind another phony irrelevant non accomplishment.
Undoing which Obama executive orders? This mostly symbolic and not meaningful.
Although I’ll agree hatred of President Obama is a huge motivator of republicans so perception on that front does matter to republicans.
Keystone pipeline is more symbolism over substance. Does anyone talk about that anymore. Is anyone doing anything with it? Although I guess symbolically that was an early trump thing that meant something to republicans. The Paris accord again more symbolism over substance and not something people actually vote on.
Goursch has a stolen seat and the judges are important form a societal standpoint but any republican President would have done that Stuff.
Iran nuclear deal still exists trump has done nothing.
He has done nothing with nato nor do republicans actually vote on that issue. Nor do they care. Nicki Haley is barely known and trump isn’t standing up to anyone.
Look man, all republicans got from trump are tax cuts which any republican President would have passed judge appointments which all presidents will do
And the rest of it is bunch of symbolical irrelevant bs not connected at all to why people get up and vote especially not for trump.
On the things republicans voters say they care about the economy, building a wall, immigration, jobs, etc. trump has done nothing.
And he has done nothing while surrounding himself with criminals and corruption being under a cloud of Russia bs. And appearing to be completely uninformed about policy.
He is personally very immoral. Endorsed white supremacists, etc.
Sure republicans love Trump cause of Niki Haley and nato or keystone pipeline. Lol.
The delusions. The delusions.
Again my explanation that republicans like trump because of a shared hatred of other Americans is far more plausible than the pack of nothing you cite.