Random Facts


golden ticket member
At my Aunt Dorothy's the metal tub was big and oval, but the stove looked just like that. I don't know how she turned out such great food.
Overnight, they did have a pot to piss in.......no indoor plumbing.
The kids always had fun because they didn't know they were poor.

Depression Bath....... I remember taking a bath like that...


golden ticket member



Retired 22 years
Although the Supreme Court has out right banned laws forbidding oral sex since 2003 seventeen states have failed to repeal theirs that are still on the books.


golden ticket member
I learned the roots of any relationship [from working with dogs] - honesty, integrity, loyalty. It's hard to find a human to give you all three. But every dog, that's all they know. Humans are the only species that follows unstable pack leaders. Animals don't .... Why would they?
~Cesar Millan~
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golden ticket member
Whenever I'm channel surfing in the wee hours of the morning, I run into those Wen Hair Care ads....sometimes on 2 channels at the same time.

On the news today I heard that there's a couple hundred complaints from women losing their hair with this crap. It has star endorsements too.......Brooke Shields is one of them. This could really do Chaz in!!

The pictures showed big patches of missing hair......very noticeable bald spots.


golden ticket member
My HOA in Hawaii just hired a new management company to handle the CCR's.
About 74 out of 90 homes got a letter about not being in compliance with the proper colors and these houses need to be painted to comply and by Jan 4th......Merry Christmas!!

We bought the house 13years ago.....the color was never mentioned as being non-compliant.. Now all of a sudden we don't comply. We checked with the original builder (Pulte Homes) and they referred us to Sherwin Williams and said they had the proper paint choices.

We talked to Sherwin Williams and they had no clue what we were talking about. Back to the HOA and they don't even know the correct colors. I agree that my house probably needs painting in general, but I question the non-compliance thing. How can I get it painted by Jan. 4 when no one knows the colors that are acceptable?

I have the bid already, painter just standing by to find out what color.

The 74 folks that got letters all signed a petition about this situation.

It's like the new management company was trying to impress their new bosses by doing something, but it's a big mess now.


golden ticket member
A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.

A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.

A 'jiffy' is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second..

A snail can sleep for three years.

Almonds are a member of the peach family.