Recieve a phone call from shuttle driver?


Gone Fish'n
work as directed I'm asking should I grieve this or not, do you have an answer or not.
Stop taking texts and instructions through your personal phone.

I can guarantee you won’t receive a DIAD message with “Please input 1Z..... in your board and release front door”

Know why, because it’s total falsifying documents and what they fire drivers for.


My Senior Picture
Why in hell are you guys responding to management or other drivers texts about work? Everything that needs to be said should be through the DIAD, and if it can’t be sent through it, then it probably shouldn’t be done.
I'm not quite that hard core with it, unless they step over one of many lines I drawn in the sand.

It is a privilege when I allow them to use my phone to facilitate their business directives.

So when they act right, I am cordial.
When they aren't, I'm a more ways than just answering my phone.


no one considers UPS people."real" Teamsters.-BUG
Stop taking texts and instructions through your personal phone.

I can guarantee you won’t receive a DIAD message with “Please input 1Z..... in your board and release front door”

Know why, because it’s total falsifying documents and what they fire drivers for.
Never seen it in 30 plus yrs as a driver
The shuttle guy is doing management a favor and management is falsifying records and beimg dishonest.

What happens if the shuttle guy hit the mailbox, put a rut in the yard, or worse and doesn't report it?

Who's records will it be on when the complaint is filed?

You need to wake up "Stupid".
And this is what we have to deal with. No wonder they cut routes and don't hire full time drivers.

:censored2:ing unbelievable.


Well-Known Member
Never communicate anything work related via your personal cell phone. Problem solved. Someone calls you. Don’t answer it. Someone texts you. Don’t answer it. There were times when I first started in package where they would want me to meet a driver to get PU pcs and I would be on the phone with the driver having a conversation, and I would make the center get a meet point. Never help them out using your personal phone. That’s not what it’s for. That’s what the diad is for.


no one considers UPS people."real" Teamsters.-BUG
The whole point of this crap was so I could go edit it and now there’s no edit feature... that’s my life story pissin in the wind


My Senior Picture
I'm not sure which way I would file this. More than one possible grievance

I will refer this question to @Bubblehead
Or @BigUnionGuy
Ok, here's my two cents worth.

While this scenario certainly qualifies as failing to treat both drivers, route and shuttle, with dignity and respect, making it an Article 37 grievance, I believe I would approach it as an HR/LP complaint instead.

In the past, I used the 800#, aka "help line" or "ethics hotline", but got little satisfaction, as the "investigation" always seemed to get kicked back to the minions in my area, who immediately circled the wagons to protect the guilty.

Lately, I have found it very effective to use the directory feature on the UPSer's site to climb the "report to chain", which lists everyone between the management person in question all the way up to the CEO, complete with email addresses and phone numbers.

I had a similar situation recently, where my center manager and OnCar were falsifying delivery records and shaving time cards.
After a series of emails and phone calls, an investigation ensued.
The result is that my center manager is no longer with the firm and the formerly adversarial OnCar is nothing but cordial, after a two week hiatus explainded away as being on "special assignment" (aka suspended).

Bottom line is that OP's scenario reeks of dishonesty and is being done to provide false data for mandated managerial metrics, the basis for their bonuses and stock options.

Knock on a door high enough up the food chain and someone will be interested.
Ok, here's my two cents worth.

While this scenario certainly qualifies as failing to treat both drivers, route and shuttle, with dignity and respect, making it an Article 37 grievance, I believe I would approach it as an HR/LP complaint instead.

In the past, I used the 800#, aka "help line" or "ethics hotline", but got little satisfaction, as the "investigation" always seemed to get kicked back to the minions in my area, who immediately circled the wagons to protect the guilty.

Lately, I have found it very effective to use the directory feature on the UPSer's site to climb the "report to chain", which lists everyone between the management person in question all the way up to the CEO, complete with email addresses and phone numbers.

I had a similar situation recently, where my center manager and OnCar were falsifying delivery records and shaving time cards.
After a series of emails and phone calls, an investigation ensued.
The result is that my center manager is no longer with the firm and the formerly adversarial OnCar is nothing but cordial, after a two week hiatus explainded away as being on "special assignment" (aka suspended).

Bottom line is that OP's scenario reeks of dishonesty and is being done to provide false data for mandated managerial metrics, the basis for their bonuses and stock options.

Knock on a door high enough up the food chain and someone will be interested.
If they want to do something shady... please don't ask me to get involved


My Senior Picture
Folks, we are GPS'd!!!! You have no defense if the package turns up missing!
That's what will be part of the supervisors undoing....

....if he doesn't piss backwards on these drivers.

My guess is, as it was in my latest complaint was not the only instance, rather just the tip of the iceberg.