The idea that sober floated about Good Samaritan laws covering the conceal carry individual who unwittingly kills a bystander. I would classify that as a false idea of rights.
Perhaps "Good Samaritan" was a poor choice of words on my part.
A better way to put it would be to define what is meant by "negligence".
I have no problem with the idea of holding the police....or a citizen with a carry permit....responsible for their negligent use of a gun which results in the death of an innocent person.
However...what would clearly be an act of negligence at the firing range or in a training exercise is not necessarily negligent if you are in a movie theater and James Holmes walks in with an AR-15 and starts murdering people. Under those conditions, the number one priority would have to be to stop him from murdering people by any means necessary. At least that is my opinion.
Your opinion seems to be that the best course of action would be to do nothing, offer no resistance, and allow him to just keep murdering people until he runs out of ammo because that is somehow "safer" than an armed good guy taking a shot at him that might hit a bystander by mistake.