Ah yes, free will that everyone has because as the scriptures says "God is no respecter of person" Here are a few examples of contradiction to that since you brought it up.
1. What happened to Adams free will to eat of the tree of live? He was removed from the garden and Cherubs was put around the tree to protect it. Don't sound like God gave him free will.
2. Saul was going to Damascus to exercise his free will and kill some Christians. But God Blinded him and knocked him off his horse so it was impossible for him to practice his "Free Will"
3. Jonah didn't want to go to Nineveh but God had him swallowed by a large fish until he changed his "Free Will"
So now I just gave you 3 examples in the Bible that Free will is BS, if you believe the Bible. Also what happened to the" no respecter of person for those 3 people? So everybody gets free will except those 3? There is another contradiction you wanted me to show you.
Again I know why you believe the Bible. I have shown you many examples of why I don't. I don't care if you believe the Bible or not just as you shouldn't care if I do or don't. It is just interesting on how people come to believe or not believe subjects and how they got there. Good day my friend and enjoy what God has created for us.
You brought up contradiction.
1.Adam chose to eat it and disobey God's command not to eat the fruit. Eve "chose" to eat it first actually and talked Adam into disobeying God. He blamed her. "The woman you gave me....."
You either don't understand free will or don't agree with consequences of disobedience.
2. Paul was an Apostle. He was chosen by God to be a minister to the Gentiles. One of the qualifications of an Apostle is that they must have personally seen Jesus, This happened on the road to Damascus.
Paul chose to be a Christian after Ananias told him what to do 3 days later. Paul chose obedience.
3. Jonah tried to hide from God because of his disobedience (a choice). He prayed 3 days and nights while in the fish that "God prepared" which led him to repentance.That's a choice. After God noted his obedience the fish vomited him up.
Jonah was a prophet of God. Which means, among others things, direct communication from God, which doesn't happen today. God has seen to it that Jonah's story is written down in inspired scripture, as in something you and I need to learn from. Even after Nineveh repented, he was unhappy(a choice)
So now you have given nothing from the Bible that shows any contradiction of free will or anything else for that matter.
You know why I believe the Bible, do ya? If these are the examples of why you don't, you don't have anything imo.
And a good day to you.
P.S. Just wondering how you know God created the day if you don't believe the book that reveals that?