Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
'Comply or it's going to be a serious backlash'
How about treating them like we did the Indians?
Segregate to a Black Reservation with 12foot walls any “black” reparation recipient. If they don’t want to accept the responsibilities of being an American, demonstrate the alternative.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
I saw CA. projected to have a revenue deficit next year with a surplus now.

Reparations estimated(depending on the guidelines) to be nearly a trillion. So, when the payment is frittered away(or whatever).....and all gone....then what?

Will they get welfare at the same time?

So, will there be a means test? For say, folks like LeBron(net worth 1 $billion)? And was he actually economically advantaged by genetic breeding(biggest and strongest)?

Things to ponder.....

No? So, since we have to pay......who makes the rules?

See, when you start actually listening to these "Commission"'s not really about "slavery". It's about racism and all that entails.......and why folks are drug addicts.......on and on. How do you quantify "self-esteem" or skin tone? Not having Air Jordans....? Or any perceived wrong ever committed?

No? Oh yes.

For these folks.....slavery is just getting started.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Reparations only apply to any persons who faced housing discrimination between 1933-1972 and not just black people.
This statement doesn't begin to list "possible" parameters being considered by at least the CA commission.

Again, reparations for slavery is just an initial first step.

Can you imagine when an extra tax is applied to only white people to pay to black people?

Folks......there are "commissions" forming all around discussing this stuff. CA generally has super majorities with Democrats. What does this mean? Reparations cannot be stopped.

Remember this number........trillion. Where does a trillion dollars come from?! Remembering CA has some of the highest taxes in the USA....already.

Remember, the IRS is hiring and arming tens of thousands of new enforcement what? Yes, at gunpoint.......confiscate your money. If you voted voted for this....begged for it....bragged about it. Even burned down cities for it.

Remember.......CA overwhelmingly voted for this........with unstoppable majorities. With millions of undocumented aliens entering our country that will most likely vote and further empower Democrats.

Coming to any blue state and blue city.


Got the T-Shirt

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
This statement doesn't begin to list "possible" parameters being considered by at least the CA commission.

Again, reparations for slavery is just an initial first step.

Can you imagine when an extra tax is applied to only white people to pay to black people?

Folks......there are "commissions" forming all around discussing this stuff. CA generally has super majorities with Democrats. What does this mean? Reparations cannot be stopped.

Remember this number........trillion. Where does a trillion dollars come from?! Remembering CA has some of the highest taxes in the USA....already.

Remember, the IRS is hiring and arming tens of thousands of new enforcement what? Yes, at gunpoint.......confiscate your money. If you voted voted for this....begged for it....bragged about it. Even burned down cities for it.

Remember.......CA overwhelmingly voted for this........with unstoppable majorities. With millions of undocumented aliens entering our country that will most likely vote and further empower Democrats.

Coming to any blue state and blue city.
Umm, California is going to have the Federal Government (IRS) tax everyone in order to fund its STATE reparation program?

Sorry, it doesn’t work that way. You’re panicking for nothing.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Umm, California is going to have the Federal Government (IRS) tax everyone in order to fund its STATE reparation program?

Sorry, it doesn’t work that way. You’re panicking for nothing.
Sorry, I didn't say that^.

Panicking? I'm just an observer. And commentator.

Say, (if) the FEDERAL Govt. collected(confiscated) a tax for National reparations and gave it to CA......(in effect "funding" their State program)....would it "work" that way?

Say, how does CA confiscate taxes anyway? And there are penalties up to and including prison time......right?

There are cities......right now....where this is happening. Should they "panic"?

Say, are taxes collected in a way I'm not privy to? How does it "work"....exactly?

So, as this movement goes's "nothing"? Evanston IL. is paying right now. How much is "nothing"?

Panicking: to suddenly feel so worried or frightened that you cannot feel or think correctly. So, since reparations are happening now....this is to think "correctly"?

Tell us more.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Umm, California is going to have the Federal Government (IRS) tax everyone in order to fund its STATE reparation program?

Sorry, it doesn’t work that way. You’re panicking for nothing.
Like the student loan bailout, it's unconstitutional. One court challenge should shutdown the whole farce.



Strength through joy

"It is true nobody alive today bears any personal guilt for slavery ... But the Dutch state bears responsibility for the immense suffering of those who were enslaved, and their descendants," he said.
He also stated that the government is not offering compensation to "people- grandchildren or great grandchildren of enslaved people."

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member

"It is true nobody alive today bears any personal guilt for slavery ... But the Dutch state bears responsibility for the immense suffering of those who were enslaved, and their descendants," he said.
He also stated that the government is not offering compensation to "people- grandchildren or great grandchildren of enslaved people."

We aren't the Dutch. Nor are these statements relevant.
US govts. are "offering compensation"....not only descendants but black people in general for perceived slights of any kind.

Like the student loan bailout, it's unconstitutional. One court challenge should shutdown the whole farce.

Could shutdown.....temporarily.

And say, there are lot's of things going on that aren't "CONSTITUTIONAL".

You guys in effect are saying....."never gonna happen".....while it gun control..........1st amendment suppression.....on and on.