
Long Time Member
Exactly.....when are the black folks ...."even". Made whole.....
Reading all that you're writing, and I still have the same question for anyone that cares to respond:

Isn't it REALLY only about securing votes for Democrats, and then providing a convenient action to continually point out to remind the voters about who got them their free money and tacitly suggest that more could be on the way?


Well-Known Member
Reading all that you're writing, and I still have the same question for anyone that cares to respond:

Isn't it REALLY only about securing votes for Democrats, and then providing a convenient action to continually point out to remind the voters about who got them their free money and tacitly suggest that more could be on the way?
Newsom has presidential aspirations and giving reparations in California is a clear signal to blacks across the country that if he's elected president they'll get it too.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Reading all that you're writing, and I still have the same question for anyone that cares to respond:

Isn't it REALLY only about securing votes for Democrats, and then providing a convenient action to continually point out to remind the voters about who got them their free money and tacitly suggest that more could be on the way?

I call it....redistribution of wealth. All that other stuff is just the vehicle............Socialism......and eventually communism.

And say.......what you described.......a "plantation" of

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Well....reparations are much more insidious than just compensation for slavery.

You don't seem to be a student of history. The plantation reference was an analogy akin to your "securing votes for Democrats". Keeping blacks on the Democrat "plantation"......

Historically......Democrats are the original racists and slave owners. Famously, Senator Robert Byrd(Democrat)......KKK. There are massive numbers of racist Democrats. Hollywood. Of course, the Democratic media never, ever acknowledges such. Oddly revisionist history.

Remembering Lincoln was a Republican. The Jim Crow South Democrats......all settled history.


Long Time Member
Well....reparations are much more insidious than just compensation for slavery.

You don't seem to be a student of history. The plantation reference was an analogy akin to your "securing votes for Democrats". Keeping blacks on the Democrat "plantation"......

Historically......Democrats are the original racists and slave owners. Famously, Senator Robert Byrd(Democrat)......KKK. There are massive numbers of racist Democrats. Hollywood. Of course, the Democratic media never, ever acknowledges such. Oddly revisionist history.

Remembering Lincoln was a Republican. The Jim Crow South Democrats......all settled history.
You don't seem to be a student of Language Arts.
I commented "Whut" to the sentence in Bold below and your answer above is so convoluted and you probably think it is obvious to people reading it. You certainly do not need to "educate" me on anything as elementary as what you wrote. Rather, you need to learn how to articulate your thoughts into something meaningful that readers can understand without having to guess at which direction you're coming from.


I call it....redistribution of wealth. All that other stuff is just the vehicle............Socialism......and eventually communism.

And say.......what you described.......a "plantation" of


Well-Known Member
You don't seem to be a student of Language Arts.
I commented "Whut" to the sentence in Bold below and your answer above is so convoluted and you probably think it is obvious to people reading it. You certainly do not need to "educate" me on anything as elementary as what you wrote. Rather, you need to learn how to articulate your thoughts into something meaningful that readers can understand without having to guess at which direction you're coming from.
You don't seem to be a student of history.

I'll certainly educate you on anything I please.

Rather learn to glean from what I write or move on. Can't find my direction? Go away....


Got the T-Shirt


Strength through joy