~~~Snipity snip snip~~~~
In my 40 years......shaming of Mgt. is usually the only way to effect change. Depending how secure you feel in your position......you can be very vocal and make Mgt. very angry, perhaps causing change(being very clear that this NOT a reason to NOT take action)......or be clandestine and more anonymous.....ever poked a yellow jacket nest? They take great exception.
I have shown and proved that persistence(time and pressure) can cause change and improvements(safety as well as productivity).
Be aware that you will meet great resistance from Mgt., employees and the Union as well as any outside authority. Yes, your fellow employees can be your biggest hazard(reinforced and encouraged by the Union)(up to and including violence). This attitude is on full display on BC. Being noble and all that is commendable.....be aware it can and often has unintended consequences. Pick what hill you are willing to die on.......carefully.