Eliminate the threat of Liberals/Democrat Party.
The rest will take care of itself.
Liberal threat?
You’ve got to be trolling, boy.
I was at my local bowling alley yesterday, and was enjoying a nice BLD at the bar when I overheard some punk millennial prattling on about the anti-American beliefs of some freak named Chomsky.
I was wearing an American flag shirt, and I warned him that I was a veteran and found his opinions offensive.
He said it’s a free country and kept prattling on.
I told him to stop or else. Well, he didn’t and I bust him in his

ing jaw.
His eyes started to tear up, so I knew he was going to shut up. I still couldn’t help myself because he looked like such a bitch. I bust him in his jaw a second time, and he out and out started to cry.
Security came over, and said I had to leave (the guy seemed delighted I straightened out this liberal punk, so as far as I know he didn’t call the cops).
I jumped in my F150, cranked up Mr. Greenwood, and flipped his group of friends the bird as I left the parking lot.
Long story short, the liberal “threat” got an attitude adjustment.