Inordinately Right
Quote me.That’s what you said last month.
Or deflect and look stupid.
Your choice.
Quote me.That’s what you said last month.
Read what you have writtenQuote me.
Or deflect and look stupid.
Your choice.
These are actually on topic posts.
Orange man bad is the biggest Democrat platform at this point.
Sounds like a sad story with what appears to be a pretty good ending...I would rather hear BS about Trump and Russia than BS about why poor people can’t get off their ass.
You think my daddy was ever around?
The only reason I turned out okay is the fact that my mom was an incredibly strong woman.
She tended bar on the night shift her whole life, and when I turned 13 she sat me down and told me she knew I would just run away if she tried to keep me in line with whoopings.
Her solution? She pulled a handgun out of a bag she was holding, and informed me if I ran away she had something to chase me with.
Liberal yuppies would probably be horrified by a story like that, but it was the best and most important day of my life.
No excuses, no handouts. Get off your ass and work.
FEDERAL RESERVE :I would rather hear BS about Trump and Russia than BS about why poor people can’t get off their ass.
You think my daddy was ever around?
The only reason I turned out okay is the fact that my mom was an incredibly strong woman.
She tended bar on the night shift her whole life, and when I turned 13 she sat me down and told me she knew I would just run away if she tried to keep me in line with whoopings.
Her solution? She pulled a handgun out of a bag she was holding, and informed me if I ran away she had something to chase me with.
Liberal yuppies would probably be horrified by a story like that, but it was the best and most important day of my life.
No excuses, no handouts. Get off your ass and work.
Quote me.
Or deflect and look stupid.
Your choice.
Okay you made your choice.Read what you have written
Sounds like a sad story with what appears to be a pretty good ending...
Bo knows……enough said.Yeah, it definitely worked out well for Bo Jackson.
That’s who I pilfered the story from.
No more no less. Just because you are black doesn't make you special.Do they not?
Wait....the most important day of your life was....Mom threatening you with a gun?I would rather hear BS about Trump and Russia than BS about why poor people can’t get off their ass.
You think my daddy was ever around?
The only reason I turned out okay is the fact that my mom was an incredibly strong woman.
She tended bar on the night shift her whole life, and when I turned 13 she sat me down and told me she knew I would just run away if she tried to keep me in line with whoopings.
Her solution? She pulled a handgun out of a bag she was holding, and informed me if I ran away she had something to chase me with.
Liberal yuppies would probably be horrified by a story like that, but it was the best and most important day of my life.
No excuses, no handouts. Get off your ass and work.
If only we could figure out when you were telling the truth.Liberal threat?
You’ve got to be trolling, boy.
I was at my local bowling alley yesterday, and was enjoying a nice BLD at the bar when I overheard some punk millennial prattling on about the anti-American beliefs of some freak named Chomsky.
I was wearing an American flag shirt, and I warned him that I was a veteran and found his opinions offensive.
He said it’s a free country and kept prattling on.
I told him to stop or else. Well, he didn’t and I bust him in his *ing jaw.
His eyes started to tear up, so I knew he was going to shut up. I still couldn’t help myself because he looked like such a bitch. I bust him in his jaw a second time, and he out and out started to cry.
Security came over, and said I had to leave (the guy seemed delighted I straightened out this liberal punk, so as far as I know he didn’t call the cops).
I jumped in my F150, cranked up Mr. Greenwood, and flipped his group of friends the bird as I left the parking lot.
Long story short, the liberal “threat” got an attitude adjustment.
Are you sure you turned out ok?I would rather hear BS about Trump and Russia than BS about why poor people can’t get off their ass.
You think my daddy was ever around?
The only reason I turned out okay is the fact that my mom was an incredibly strong woman.
She tended bar on the night shift her whole life, and when I turned 13 she sat me down and told me she knew I would just run away if she tried to keep me in line with whoopings.
Her solution? She pulled a handgun out of a bag she was holding, and informed me if I ran away she had something to chase me with.
Liberal yuppies would probably be horrified by a story like that, but it was the best and most important day of my life.
No excuses, no handouts. Get off your ass and work.
Are you sure you turned out ok?
Can never get a racist to say, simply, “yes”.No more no less. Just because you are black doesn't make you special.
If only we could figure out when you were telling the truth.
Wait....the most important day of your life was....Mom threatening you with a gun?
Yeah, right, you've never, lol. But it was meant as a little ribbing.Sheesh, Van.
Have I ever resorted to personal attacks on this site. Your hurtful retort is in very poor taste.