Republicans control spending? Not so fast big guy. Wasteful military/foriegn policy spending, ridiculus Pharma costs for our seniors, tax cuts/shelters for those who hord the most wealth, eliminating/outsourcing mfg'ing and middle class wage status weakening the main engine of supply and demand that drives our economy. Corp America and their Wash DC connected lobbiest have steadily promoted Xtreme off the chart profit margins for the CEO's, top Exec's and top shareholders at the expense of the stagnate American worker's wage or extinction, while rec'ving tax benefits at the same time their screwing the average Joe. The greed factor at the top of Corperate America is so warped, they actually believe they deserves bonuses for failure....what does that message give the American wage earner ? A pink slip.... Cutting taxes in a reccessionairy period with the debt so high is Reaganomically trickle-down suicide...
Yes, taxes will rise, but the best analogy given, will mostly be modeled after our toll roads. The more you use it, the more you pay. Cost conscience Consumers, are resourceful, they will find side roads to avoid higher taxes. And many, may not like it, but will find it convienent and are willing to pay the toll to get them where they want swifty at the same time, maintaining their road to redemption.