Retirees on Brown Cafe


Well-Known Member
I am retired after spending 36 years of my life at UPS. I enjoy the Brown Cafe and agree with many, many of the posters. If I disagree -I respectfully state my postion and move on.
The thought of "banning" retirees makes me smile and reminess on the old Shelley Winter's movie "Wild in the Streets" In this movie the young people of America decided that anyone over thirty was out of touch and should be imprisoned. The young person who becomes their elected leader --looks in the mirror one day and realizes it is HIS 30th Birthday.
Do you think the person who feels that retirees should be banned ---will feel any different when he retires ??:wink2:
all well and good, bottom line is Only Cheryl can decide if retirees post here or not. I'm pretty sure she isn't going to ban Tony from this board.


Senior Member
Island.....Shelley Winters??? Wow, you're really old !!! I liked her in Patch of Blue.

Shelly Winters?
If I had an ignore list, she would be in the top 10.
Just seeing her face makes me cringe, and when I hear her voice it is "nails on a chalkboard".
I have no rational reason for my dislike, but it has been a life long one.




Shelly Winters?
If I had an ignore list, she would be in the top 10.
Just seeing her face makes me cringe, and when I hear her voice it is "nails on a chalkboard".
I have no rational reason for my dislike, but it has been a life long one.

Barbra Streisand and Liza Minelli. Can't stand them.



Good point,
If you consider that your pointing out a pointless thread, by posting in it, having any beneficial effect and then having added to it's continuation.:peaceful:
Jeez, some English major is gonna rip me a new one.

LMAO! Good thing I'm not an english major..................................:happy-very:


golden ticket member
Oprah, Streisand, Hillary, Boxer, Fienstein, Pelosi, Kirstie Alley, Camilla, ..... just a few on my "women I can't stand" list.
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Well-Known Member
Island.....Shelley Winters??? Wow, you're really old !!! I liked her in Patch of Blue.

Hopefully older and wiser !:happy-very: Age to me is a state of mind. In retirement with no stress, regular exercise and enjoying the finer things in life ( time to look at-- appreciate and smell the roses ) Plus all the time God may give me in this world to spend with my favorite person --my wife ---I feel younger than springtime !!

P.S. When wild in the streets with good old Shelley was in the movies --I was just a young lad !!:wink2:
If we compare our lives to the seasons --spring, summer, fall and winter---I have been fortunate enough to have had a good spring, a wonderful summer, a great fall and now I look very forward to a magical winter of my life !!!



Good point,
If you consider that your pointing out a pointless thread, by posting in it, having any beneficial effect and then having added to it's continuation.:peaceful:
Jeez, some English major is gonna rip me a new one.

First of all, I ain't an English major. For the most part, I only "rip new ones" when the poster is correcting someone else's written english(and murdering the written language in the process) and/or that poster is someone I am looking to even the score with.