Do they usually get back to you pretty quick?. What info do you need to provide to get them to respond ? A lot of folks have at least some part time credits and would be nice to have something in writing.
Do they usually get back to you pretty quick?. What info do you need to provide to get them to respond ? A lot of folks have at least some part time credits and would be nice to have something in writing.
About 4 weeks It is a simple 1 page form that you can submit electronically.I have the form in my office will post it Monday.The estimate comes in the mail.
About 4 weeks It is a simple 1 page form that you can submit electronically.I have the form in my office will post it Monday.The estimate comes in the mail.
It is the same form you either check off retirement box or estimate box and date you want to start receiving checks.If I left now but take my checks starting next Feb. The check would be $1155.00 per month.Goal is two more years of 750 Hrs.