$15 -$20 an hour for fast food would mean your fast food would cost so much the $34 an hour we make wouldn't be middle class.
The "ultra rich" don't pay anything in taxes anyway. They know how to get around it. Tax rates could be dropped big time if loop holes didn't exist. Why have write offs? If you make x amount you are taxed y amount. Period.
Not a flat tax how about a fair tax. Herman Cains plan was a decent start. Everyone pays the same income tax then have a national sales tax. The rich spend more so they would be taxed more.
not necessarily. it depends what the company does with the money: they could have less profits, they could charge more to the customer. so in australia they earn $16 USD /hr , and their big macs cost less than $0.50 more than americans who earn half as much per hour.
also recently the costs of things like food keeps rising, but wages dont rise. so that also debunks your idea about wages keeping up with costs of things.
i guarantee you herman cain was under total corporate control just like obama, bush, clinton, bush, and reagan...if everyone pays the same percentage rate on their income tax that is a flat tax.
its important to remember that Franklin Roosevelt created Social Security, Federal Minimum wage, Unemployment Insurance during the great depression when unemployment was 25%. nowadays we have cuts or talks of getting rid of those programs altogether