Easy LB! I AM happy about the lifted lifetime maximum. I thought about framing the letter! Getting clarification is not bashing. The vote Yes campaign said that premiums would not got up, so most would assume that was for the entire contract. If the trustees can change any of the benefits at any time, then that can be very unnerving for those of us with serious health concerns. Maybe you would need to be in those boots to understand.
From the letter "This change is based on current benefit-funding projections, and the continued favorable claims experience of the Plan. The Trustees acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of plan participants to prudently utilize the benefits this Plan provides and strongly encourage the continued us of in-Network Providers." and "This flows from the partial settlement of the recent collective bargaining process between UPS and IBT" Interesting choice of words. The contract doesn't seem to mandate this change.
I am well aware of the forces that are trying to undermine the ACA, that's one of many reasons I always vote!
You need to refrain from the WTF, "Please think" and "try being happy" comments, it doesn't help. I am happy and I do think, probably overthink!