Retirement might the toughest challenge I've ever faced.
That is why I will continue to work and plan on leaving feet first..(Collect that death benefit that comes with active service)...
That will teach them....sweet revenge will come by collecting full Social Security and my Pension and still collect my 90,000 sitting on my butt and make them pay for my Health Coverage (26,000 annually) as my body slowly falls apart due to work related causes.
I remember we had a part timer who for the last 2 years came limping into work waiting till he was eligible for retirement and health benefits. It was comical and also the saddest thing you want to see...all he talked about was leaving...anyway he reached his goal and on the final day I saw him limp out for the last time with the biggest smile on his face carrying a small portion of his cake and a piece of worthless paper thanking for his years of service....
"You see in his eyes....."HE WON"....."