I tried to help you understand the various options. I even offered to help you use the online chart. You didn't want my help and now you are asking questions that would have been answered had you taken my help. NOW you accuse the company of never doing anything positive for DRIVERS. This option is offered to EVERYONE, not just drivers as you call us. CSA, mechanics, hub workers all have this option. By your attitude I believe you do not understand Social Security pays you more the longer you wait to take it. Yes, believe it or not, SS gives you an 8% increase for every year you delay taking your money. When you started this post, you seemed like someone that really wanted to know the correct answer to your question. I gave you indisputable answers despite others here, including a person who is living their car, calling me a liar. You called and got an incorrect answer to your question or maybe asked the wrong question to the retirement dept. Take your money the day you retire if you want, many do and that is your choice. Just know, there are other options and nobody can tell you when is the best time to take your pension or SS. That decision is for you to make. Good luck