Retro check is in!


The part timers should maybe pay a smaller percentage since they make less and work less hours.

The one big beef I have with the union is the initiation fee. I'm some places it's absolutely ridiculous for a low paying part time job. They use it as a cash cow to support golf outings

I agree about the initiation fee

But, they need to pay something

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
I'm glad of the raise but our loaders should be paid at 2/3 driver rate IMO. That's what made such great drivers/loaders for the first 80 years of the company.

Only the most desperate are willing to start PL, hiring pool for RPCD seems slimmer than it should be these days.
We need rdo and the static sequencing loads from 2017. At this point even the best loaders are just paid to be slow and stupid.