Retro check is in!


Well-Known Member
Preload making $13, working just as hard as we do but with less OT. No, they should only pay dues optionally (I did). We should have their backs regardless.

Going to the core problem; maybe we, the union, didn't represent the PT well enough to get them a fair wage for their work. Just my opinion on their compensation.

So you think PT workers should reap the benefits of being Union (Benfits, Pension, Vacation,Etc..) but not have to pay for it. Then you think the Union that they don't contribute to should fight for them to make more money?

Sorry but $32.50 a month isn't going to bankrupt anyone with 2 jobs and if you work PT you should have 2 jobs. Anyone that says it will is just looking for something for nothing.


Well-Known Member
They got a nice raise this contract. How many part time jobs have health insurance, paid vacation and a pension?
I'm glad of the raise but our loaders should be paid at 2/3 driver rate IMO. That's what made such great drivers/loaders for the first 80 years of the company.

Only the most desperate are willing to start PL, hiring pool for RPCD seems slimmer than it should be these days.
I'm glad of the raise but our loaders should be paid at 2/3 driver rate IMO. That's what made such great drivers/loaders for the first 80 years of the company.

Only the most desperate are willing to start PL, hiring pool for RPCD seems slimmer than it should be these days.
Well if they was in the union, they could have voted this contract down. The part timers out number the full timers


Just a dog
What power? The majority did not vote for trump but we got him anyway. I friend any PT member tried to organize the PT ranks both the company and the Union would have him gone.
You sure about that?