A lot of changes have occurred since the 1997 strike, if we went out today it would make that "97" one look like a girl scout meeting. The damage to the Company and the Union would be considerable if it happens again, we all know who is in the White House today, do not be fooled thinking he is in charge, the Presidency position is token at best. When was the last time we really had any leadership, maybe during the Reagan years even if you do not agree with his policies or politics. Democrats or Republicans are cut from the same cloth, only interested in being re-elected it does not matter which one is in charge...
The old guys in management are smart enough to see the "writing on the wall" and are wishing for a good out or buy out. Most of them are financially secure and are willing to jump ship.
UPS makes good money because of our Union Membership, some of the decision making from the top should be questioned. The added Volume, Surcharges and the annual price increases during the pandemic has created those profit margins, it was not due to anything coming out of Atlanta.
It is ridiculous to claim that we are suffering today suffering loss of volume from that 1997 strike, you know it and I know it...