Rod's UPS sock giveaway.


Retired 23 years
To give away to one lucky winner. ONE (1) almost new UPS sock found by my brother at a yard sale and given to me as a joke AND A TWO DOLLAR BILL.. To enter all you have to do is respond to this thread by Friday night at 8 p.m. cst when I will draw the lucky winners name.


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
So Its a sock and a 2 dollar bill as a prize. This is better than the Readers Digest Millionaire Sweepstakes.

Are you saying a Readers digest millionaire sweepstakes entry will be included with the musty sock and wet two dollar bill?

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
By posting a smiley face icon on my picture that makes @Operational needs eligible also.
