It’s all calculated risks.. sans some other underlying condition it seems like covid is 99.99% recovery rate.
What are odds of vax having some long term negative effects? Somewhere between 0% and 100% because we just don’t know.
When I compare the two I don’t get the answer you do PT. I’m assuming you believe and trust the ruling class enough that you’ll just take it on faith that there is no long term downside. I hope your not wrong.
Every day a higher portion of population is vaxed. Yet cases continue to climb especially breakthrough cases.
First we were told get vaxed then we can ditch the masks (useless as they are). Life will get back to normal. That didn’t work out.
Oh, ok, we will have rare breakthrough cases which will be very short and mild if your vaxed. And it will protect others from the virus. Again, not so much.
Well if you just get a booster and if we subject all our kids to it, then everything is gonna be ok. Nope.
Well maybe two boosters and by the way why aren’t you wearing your damn mask? Cases continue to rise.
Meanwhile the big pharma companies manufacturing vax are getting l-l-l-l-loaded on sweet sweet government money for the “free” vax while bearing absolutely no risk since the government has given them blanket liability immunity. They don’t even have to market their products, by golly the government is doing that for them. Yes, we the People pay for development, marketing, production, logistics, all of it. That’s a pretty sweet set up if your big pharma. I expect that some big pharma execs will retire to private islands in the future.
Bet they won’t be wearing masks on those islands.
Big Pharma not only ones getting l-l-l-loaded in this...good old Dr. Fauci is the highest paid federal government employee making north of $400k a year and has a portfolio worth over $10 million, wonder how much of that is big pharma stock? He’s not an elected official.
Also going to be interesting (if it can be traced) how much big pharma will pour into midterms to help the far left try to maintain status quo?