1st. NE supplement.
2nd. This virus can survive on cardboard for up to 24 hours. I realize doctors/nurses need supplies more than us but when I'm delivering Clorox wipes and my center won't even provide them I get pissed. I have my own supply of disinfectants and PPE but the company should at least try to supply us. I'm almost out of hand sanitizer maybe one more week.
A few questions, I know In my last center (bigger than the one I'm in now) we were supplied gloves as inside workers if requested dont know what's happening there now. I will go to my steward later but I'm newish and dont want to seem like a crazy person. I'm going to reread the contract later but I figured I'd post this now because I have a lot of concearns considering no preloaders at my current center have or use any gloves... or any PPE for that matter...
3rd. Gloves, and I mean disposable medical gloves. Nobody in my center has them, nobody uses them. I could get sick just from my preloader let alone the 100 other people who touched the box. Is the company required to supply us with disposable gloves. The ones during winter are more harm than good because I cant throw them out after I go deliver at a hospital and will bring it home, same for preloaders.
4th. Disinfectant wipes. I have these also but they really work best on already cleaned surfaces, my cab hasn't been washed in months. Can I take time to clean my own cab with water/soap at end of day at least to make disinfecting easier and actually work. Can we request wipes as well?
5th. Masks. I see some drivers using makeshift masks. These are mostly seniority drivers who can get away with a lot. Are these allowed (basically any mouth/nose covering like a bandana). Can I wear medical masks if I have some. I doubt this due to lack of supply/need for hospitals but should the company supply us with some.
6th. Hand sanitizer. Also low in supply but drivers especially need something. I think I have 3 reststops on my route and they say wash your hands... how...
7th. If these supplies aren't currently required then what the friend is the union going to do about it because I haven't heard a word. The union "fought" for 2 weeks sick pay but you need to be diagnosed with covid-19... good luck getting a test. That's something but if the union cant even supply PPE then its piss poor and this is coming from some1 who loves the union but has seen no action during a global pandemic.