Tie you want eveidence, hoffa has lost every strike he has called, overnite, red star, hoffa was the leader when when the cs lost billions in funds. Hoffas own running mates have been banned from the ibt, dane passo, damn near the whole hogan family the list goes on.
what corruption in the teamsters? tell me it ain't so. Hell carey cleaned out all the mobsters when he had it.
Now on to eskew, we have lost more customers due to mikeys ie mentality to bust out the route to make the bottom line instead of the concept that this comapny was founded on. Do you remember the idea? Service the customer, because if we dont someone will!
Red the thing is our service performance is the highest its ever been as mike gets ready to leave the company.
Now lets get into the time study, mikey is stealing money from my route on a daily basis, mikey couldnt raise our stock value if he tried and he has.
can't argue with that point. I was hoping for a 100 a share about now.
You have an agenda with carey, would you like to explain why you hate the man with this much passion?
Hates a strong word. I despise the man because I think he's a crook with heavy mob ties who robbed many fine upsers of a good pension when he walked in 97. Its now going to cost me 6 billion dollars to fix one pension plan 10 years later. But you guys don't see that because you're too busy sniffing each others sets.
Another question, why are you coming to hoffas defense? You are in management.
Actually not coming to Hoffas defense so much as having fun with you guys and you're so called union. You guys preach solodarity but find reasons to be individuals every chance you get. Your union asked you what you wanted then went out and got it. You should all basically now send in your yes votes because your reps did their job. Instead you guys keep coming up with reasons to vote against your elected reps. I think its entertaining as hell. Whats real entertaining for me is when I get the opportunity to lecture someone on what it means to be a good union man. this management person understands the concept better then many of your brothers.
I must of missed something! When did anyone ask the union to give in to the company with all of these concessions? Alot of us asked for secure pensions, good wages, workable conditions and overtime language. What we got were the song and dance over the pension, ups throws some monet at it and its fixed, horsecrap! how is the pension stronger across the country? 804 memebers have to borrow 18 million from ups because their sep is under-funded, its an all ups local no one to blame but ups here.
Great now we are getting 4 dollars an hour over 5 years, minus 35 cents a year that will be deferred, which leaves us gaining $2 and 25 cents over 5 years, but half in aug and the other half in feb of every year!
With all the concessions of the language, from ptimers having to request their quarantee, to starting at minimum wage $8.50 with no medical, to the no new 22.3 jobs. Now lets talk about the subcontracting language, lets not because it makes me sick to my stomach. Now sups can work under act of god, what is an act of god? I have an idea even god wouldnt want anyone to work here for this petty paycheck!
I need to request an 8 hour day 5 days in advance and you can still screw me out of it? Then i have to work 8.5 to quailfy for penalty for a no overtime request. 9.5 now has new language that will have 9.5 grievances tied up in arbitrations for 2 to 3 years before we get paid. And in finishing the new language on grievance and arbitration rulings having no precedence on future cases will tie our hands and have the union at arbitration hearing everyday of the week instead of in the buildings were they should be!