Ron Carey, You've been indicted


Staff member
Lol this thread just keeps popping up.

One other impression of Carey I never brought up before. I can remember him talking the tough talk with that faggy sounding voice of his. I used to laugh everytime I heard him on TV. Add that to some of the ill suited speakers the company rolled out and it almost appeared we had cartoon type characters leading us.
Oh, I'm sure you sound like a real tough guy when you give a PCM....:rolleyes:


Oh, I'm sure you sound like a real tough guy when you give a PCM....:rolleyes:

Indeed been described as booming. It was always entertaining watching him try to talk the tough talk with that squeeky whining sounding voice. Probably one reason he walked. A lifetime with that wimpy voice and he felt he had to prove he was a tough guy.


Well-Known Member
Indeed been described as booming. It was always entertaining watching him try to talk the tough talk with that squeeky whining sounding voice.

My man Ron didnt have to talk tough Tie but the man could walk the walk.
Actions speak louder than words.
Who kept this thread running anyway :)


My man Ron didnt have to talk tough Tie but the man could walk the walk.
Actions speak louder than words.
Who kept this thread running anyway :)

hear that he showed the DNC how to launder money. Good thing he had a jury of NY fans to save his but from breaking big rocks into little rocks.:happy-very:

I think you brought the thread up from its graves?


I don't mind sharing this research with you. My research is all from newspapers of the time--1960's and first half of the '70's. I would post the article citations but I'm unsure of the copyright issues, so I won't do it. Your local public library has newspaper article databases. Search the New York Times/ProQuest Historical Newspapers for (United Parcel Service) AND (Strike) AND (Carey) AND PDN(>1/1/1960) AND PDN(<1/1/1980). When you do, you'll get six results. One line from ONE of those articles sealed my opinion of Carey: "Since 1968, we have had 40 work stoppages in violation of the no-strike provision in our labor contract with Local 804." Still going to heap praise on Carey? I'd LOVE to hear this.

OK, my mistake. For some reason, I thought it was a Court decision. Federal Oversight Board also reminds me of a court.

As far as Hoffa.....don't get me started. -Rocky


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of course I didn't see that this topic is like a year old..LOL...
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Browncafe Steward
Absolutely. would make it interesting watching him buy off or threaten the jury.:happy-very:

Tie its nice to see you slam one of the greatest teamster leaders of all time. I know you have proof that he paid off or threatened the jurors. We all know that management never makes false or misleading accusations so you must be right.

By the way how much money does ups spend buying off politicians? Well near a million and a half in the first quarter this year. Lets see what you have to say about our corrupt ups leadership at the top?


Tie its nice to see you slam one of the greatest teamster leaders of all time. I know you have proof that he paid off or threatened the jurors. We all know that management never makes false or misleading accusations so you must be right.

thanks Red love you too.

By the way how much money does ups spend buying off politicians?

Just trying to keep up with the unions. :happy-very:

Well near a million and a half in the first quarter this year. Lets see what you have to say about our corrupt ups leadership at the top?

Don't know about corrupt but as long as the stock stays in the sixties incompetent comes to mind. :happy-very:

Uh Oh I think I upset the irishman. You know 804 and i have this running jab fest going so don't get your gut into this one. Its all play. Well some of it is.:happy-very:

You know you are right about Carey being the greatest, he's the only one that hasn't gone to jail.:happy-very: