rough year ahead



I know what a affects a time study.If you think that who is delivering the rout does not affect the time study you are crazy.I run about 60 different routs and can see the difference.As far as pulling workmans comp.(I have never had to use it)60 Minutes has contacted 5 drivers that I know of in our area investigating UPS on workman comp. fraud.


We have a person in our area that all That person does is time stuies.


Mr Budman...I see you have no understanding of Time Studies..1st of all, the AREA is studied, NOT the driver. This is done in order to determine the delivery and pick up stop allowance, and the on area traffic delays. The allowances developed by observing the conditions on the area, when PROPER METHODS are used, to determine the time allowed a driver, who uses the PROPPER METHODS to complete the deliveries and pickups in that specific area. If the distance from the package car to the pont of delivery is 70 ft, it doesn't matter if the driver studied runs, crawls, skips, or hops, the distance is still 70 ft and the allowance is based on the distance, NOT how long it took the driver to go that distance. The driver's ACTUAL time to go that distance is compared to the ALLOWED time it took the driver, thus determining if the driver was over or under allowed. Had the driver ran the 70ft, it would show the driver UNDER ALLOWED. If the driver crawled the 70ft, the driver would have been OVER ALLOWED. This approach is used for each element of a driver's day, including, select (bulkheard or rear door), outside walk to stop (by distance), inside walk (by didtance), type of stop (sig req, DR,COD, etc), inside walk return, outside walk return, and start vehicle. All these elements are measured as though the driver is using the proper methods to determine how long it should take the AVERAGE driver to make the deliveries and pickups in that area. As an example, if, by using proper methods, the driver should have used a 2 wheeler on one trip to walk to the delivery instead making two trips without the 2 wheeler, the allowance is based on one trip with a 2 wheeler and not on the two trips he actually made without the 2 wheeler (PROPER METHODS). Of course it must be determined if a 2 wheeler would be required for more than this one stop.

As for safety...I know of no supervisor or manager who would tolerate observing anyone doing an unsafe act and not stop it immediately. If you know of ths happening, you must report it, because this can not be allowed to continue.


Mr. vette if that is so exact why on some routs I have time to burn.(1 1/2 lunch and run under) and on others no matter how fast I go I'm an hour over.They count steps They don't use a tape mesure.So if a 5'2" 95 lbs. woman is the bid driver and they do the time study with a 6'2" 200lbs. man when she is on vacation you think that the time study would be fair.Even though he would not use a 2 wheeler 75% of the time she would and his steps are twice as long as hers.And unsafe work methods are tollerated all the time at UPS until it costs them money.



Every time study that I have seen, the time study guy/gal counts their steps, not yours. THat way it is the same either way.

And I really question your knowledge base with the first post you made. You might be a great driver, but what you think you know and what really is are two different things.



Danny..You're absolutely correct about the time study person counting their steps and not the drivers. The walk distances are classified in different ranges. I don't remember exactly what the ranges are since I retired in 1995, and for the 3 years before I retired, I worked in France developing operating plans and training new French UPSers. To the best of my memory, the walks, outside and inside, are W1, W2, W3,and W4. With each having a range of distance such as W1 from 5ft to 24ft, then W2 from 25ft to 50ft (not sure of exact distances), and so on.

Mr Budman..I sincerely hope you are not one of the drivers using unsafe methods, for not only will UPS suffer financially, but you too will suffer from lost wages in addition to the physical pain.


THe way it was explained to me was the last one was 125 feet. Anything over that you did not get an allowance for. If you had to walk a mile in both directions, you only got credit for 125 feet walking time. Maybe it was 150. Dont remember. But that keeps the deadbeats that want to draw out their timestudy from parking too far away.

I remember a driver that knew he was getting timestudied the next day. Sent and paid for 5 "packages" to the worst loosers on his route. Invitation to church I think. Dosnt really matter. Got that allowance! hehehe I forget who that driver was...
...damn this getting older is for the birds.

France eh, when we went into Germany 25 years ago or so, I thought about going into management at that time. Didnt. Often I wonder what would have happened. But not that often.



Danny....That driver who sent 5 packages to the worst losers on his route couldn't have gained a lot of additional time for his stop allowance. The average defined area should have about 100 to 150 stops. The total planned time from the time study (selects, walks, contact, etc) are divided by the total number of stops in the area to get the average time per stop. So, with the additional planned time for those stops added to the rest of the planned time and divided by new total stops would not increase the average significantly.

For example, the 100 stops had a total planned time of 150 minutes, or 1.5 mins per stop for a stop allowane of .02500. If the 5 stops he sent packages to had a total of 10 minutes, the allowance would be 160 mins divided by 105 stops for an allowance of 1.5238 mins per stop, or .02340.

On personal note, I find you to be what I would hope all UPS drivers would be. Your an intelligent man who enjoys his work, does his best, stands up for what he believes, and speaks his mind. You have my respect, although I may not always agree with you, I respect you.

In addition to working in France, I also worked in Hong Kong and Singapore when UPS expanded in Asia. During the 70s, I trained new drivers in Texas, Idaho, and Colorado as we added new territory. All in all, I've had a satisfying career with UPS and am glad to see that UPS still has dedicated employees like you to continue the tradition of best service at lowest cost


TO give you an idea, the route runs 125-150 miles a day, all but 45 are on area miles. 350-600 delivery pieces up to over 1000 at times. Tow a TP60 quite a bit. 6 pickups. 65-75 stops plan an 8 hour day, depending on how far apart they are spread. Some stops take upwards of 15-20 minutes each, others are much closer. Because of the tail drag of the 1000, it has a removable hitch, there are drives I cant go up, so hiking happens quite often. Possibly the hardest route in the building, but also the most rewarding(to me at least).

Thankyou for the compliment. I have found it is much better to use your head for talking than to use it as a battering ram. And while I dont always agree with the way things are done, I express my views and go on with the job.

As has been said at UPS before, there is nothing we cant do, as long as we do it together.



How does a driver with that much senority end up doing a run like that??? Dont you care about your body??? Bid a different run this year during your annual bid so you have a body left. I handle 200 pieces a day combined pick up and delivery. I go 180 miles 70 stops is a 9.5 hour day. 16 years driving. Not trying to give you a hard time ,but some guys dont realize that UPS is a marathon and you have to leave something for the end.


Dont you care about your body???

How many places
could you go that would pay like you are being paid to exercise your body. UPS is doing you a favor by paying you for all that good exercise you get. If ups were Golds Gym you would be paying them.


Watch your backs! UPS has hired a security firm to focus on saftey related items only. Drivers will be followed at random and will be "fired" for not following saftey methods. A Feeder Driver was put on "Notice of Termination" for failing a saftey audit performed by this security firm. He was cited for not wearing a seat belt on property. I believe the firm's name is Ketter or something like that. Be advised they are watching our every move.


That is old news. It takes a real dummy in a district that has a one strike and your out mandatory seatbelt usage policy, to drive around the lot without one on.

You want to know the kicker? REad your contract book. Unless the company wants to GIVE you your job back, you dont have a leg to stand on to get it back.

Bottom line, buckle up, whether they are watching or not, cause sooner or later if you dont they WILL find out. And hopfully BEFORE you get killed.



I agree Danny. Just put on your seat belt people.
I'm sorry, but anyone that does not is an idiot in my opinion. It's not just a company rule, but a stay alive rule. It's a no brainer. Be safe.


After all these years of hearing and seeing articles on the life or death benifits of using seat belts, it amazes me that some people have still not developed the habit of buckeling up EVERYTIME they are in a vehicle. No matter if they are behind the wheel or in a passagener seat, it should be second nature to automaticly buckel up, to do this without thinking, a HABIT.

Evidently this feeder driver hadn't developed this habit and by putting him on notice will hopefully enforce the seriousness of using seat belts.

I hope , for his sake and the sake of his family, he has developed the habit of using seat belts. If not, I hope the odds don't catch up with him.


If this driver doesn't have the safety concern for his or her own being, then how much concern could ther be for the public that shares the highway with this maroon.


What you didnt say was that he was at his destination, and was getting ready for the return trip when this happened. They called his center to have them come and get him.

And it was not a Ketter Audit, it was one that the company was doing to make sure they were ready for the Ketter Audit.

Bottom line, just do it. If not for yourself, do it for those that you will leave behind if you dont.
