Mr Budman...I see you have no understanding of Time Studies..1st of all, the AREA is studied, NOT the driver. This is done in order to determine the delivery and pick up stop allowance, and the on area traffic delays. The allowances developed by observing the conditions on the area, when PROPER METHODS are used, to determine the time allowed a driver, who uses the PROPPER METHODS to complete the deliveries and pickups in that specific area. If the distance from the package car to the pont of delivery is 70 ft, it doesn't matter if the driver studied runs, crawls, skips, or hops, the distance is still 70 ft and the allowance is based on the distance, NOT how long it took the driver to go that distance. The driver's ACTUAL time to go that distance is compared to the ALLOWED time it took the driver, thus determining if the driver was over or under allowed. Had the driver ran the 70ft, it would show the driver UNDER ALLOWED. If the driver crawled the 70ft, the driver would have been OVER ALLOWED. This approach is used for each element of a driver's day, including, select (bulkheard or rear door), outside walk to stop (by distance), inside walk (by didtance), type of stop (sig req, DR,COD, etc), inside walk return, outside walk return, and start vehicle. All these elements are measured as though the driver is using the proper methods to determine how long it should take the AVERAGE driver to make the deliveries and pickups in that area. As an example, if, by using proper methods, the driver should have used a 2 wheeler on one trip to walk to the delivery instead making two trips without the 2 wheeler, the allowance is based on one trip with a 2 wheeler and not on the two trips he actually made without the 2 wheeler (PROPER METHODS). Of course it must be determined if a 2 wheeler would be required for more than this one stop.
As for safety...I know of no supervisor or manager who would tolerate observing anyone doing an unsafe act and not stop it immediately. If you know of ths happening, you must report it, because this can not be allowed to continue.