Again, some of you all can't see the forest for the trees. I like my job, I think it's pretty simple to understand that. I work very hard there, and don't feel like I'm overpaid AT ALL. Anyone that claims this job is just driving around in shorts slinging out cardboard and we should thank our lucky stars for having probably has never worked as a delivery driver in their life. What I don't like is being forced to pay a corrupt organization that doesn't have either yours or my interest at heart any more. What you homers don't understand is that if you want change, you hit them where it hurts- in the wallet. If the Teamsters start losing money and can't afford all of those 6 figure salaries, you can bet your ass that they'll start trying to do a better job. By being legally FORCED to pay them, they have no obligation to actually work for that money. They get paid whether they hear a grievance or hit the golf course with their mistress and a cooler of beer. We don't get paid unless we bust our balls. We don't get paid if we get the flu and take a day off.
Further more, someone mentioned stealing. Give me a

ing break! I work for UPS, if I steal from them, I lose my job. Like I said, I EARN every red cent I make there. There's certainly some stealing going on, but we are the victims. The money I make the company goes back to pay all of our benefits and wages. To say I'm stealing is showing just how ignorant you are of reality.
Not one single person here has answered any question I have asked. When you're asked something you don't want to answer, you revert to calling me names and run for the hills. It's all very similar to an Obama loving liberal who calls you a racist and runs away from a question. The fact that every question I have asked gets ignored really shows that most of you have no answers. Your job is to defend the union at all costs and ignore anything that questions them. This is why we are getting trash contracts, give backs, and being replaced by sub-contractors, lower paid workers, and technology.