This is the dumbest thing I've read yet. Freeload? I earn every MF'n cent I make. I don't owe the union a damn thing for allowing me to destroy my body and work long hours in conditions that the average person wouldn't tolerate for more than an hour. You really need to look at what we do for a living compared to other jobs before you start acting as if the union has done me a favor by allowing me to go to work. Ultimately, we work for UPS. If they want you there, they'll keep your there. If they want you gone, the union won't stop that. A lawyer will give you much better representation than some union guy who just drunkenly stumbled in off the golf course.
I worked at FedEx Express for 5 years, and wish I'd never have quit, to be honest. I still have friends that work there, and you're right, they don't make what I do. However, they don't work as hard as I do. They make about 60, and I make about 90. The difference is that while we have essentially become a moving company due to the number of irregs we deal with, they ride around in an air conditioned van delivering letters. They still get retirement and health insurance, and they will probably be able to walk after they retire. Is what we do worth the extra 30K (assuming you're not 22.4?) That's your decision.
Of course my post seems stupid to you because You don’t get it and probably never will. That’s why I hope you get to experience what others outside of UPS make and get to experience the joy of paying 2-3 hundred a week for crap high deductible insurance.
Funny, you blame the union for how hard the job is when it is management that dispatches you and credit the company for paying top wage and benefits that are a result of years of contract negotiations. Hell If you want to be union free so bad why not become a sup here at UPS?
You talk about working hard, People work just as hard for a lot less at fed ex ground, Amazon and countless other jobs. Try roofing for a few weeks in the hot sun for half of what you make..
You talk about us being institutionalized but it’s you that is out of touch with the reality of what wages, benefits and working conditions are for the average blue collar American.
Before UPS I spent 15 plus years as a flat rate mechanic at dealerships,that

sucked.. I worked my ass off on a commission based plan for a lot less than I make now with nothing to show for it, no retirement,

benefits etc. then spent a few years in a municipal mechanic job before I found out how much more UPS mechanics make. I have a skilled trade and many thousands in tools and brought years of training and learned skills to the table for only a little more than a top rate driver, but less overall because you guys get more OT we also beat the

out of our bodies. Maybe if you spent years working outside of UPS in non union environment in recent years you would get it.
Some of you long time drivers are so out of touch with reality it is sickening. I have heard some bitch about teamcare and how we have to pay a 10 dollar co pay
I am in the IAM union but we have the same teamcare plan you guys have, when I met my wife who has spent her career in Human Resources she was shocked at how good our benefit package is. She had a very generous plan at her company but dropped hers because ours had better coverage and lower deductibles and it was zero cost, where hers was 60 a week.
Seriously, you have no idea how good you have it. Maybe someday you will work outside a collective bargained environment in today’s workplace and appreciate what you have at UPS because of collective bargaining.