Now I’m curious, care to share what station that is? Feel free to dm if you don’t want to post it.
If it's the station I'm thinking of, about 6-7 years ago, when there was no hiring issues, they had 8 openings for couriers. They actually needed more than that. Thanks to my, then, senior manager, I did not transfer there.
Ever notice how the most flexibility is demanded from the day side? Imagine telling a 2nd shift pickup driver that starts at 1400, that he has to be able to come in at 10am if needed. Good luck with that. But if a morning driver has to leave, not early, but ON TIME,… well then he’s a lazy POS.
I'm not sure how long you've been with the company, or how old you are, but there is no such as 'on time'. You can stick your chest out, huff and puff and talk all the tough talk you want, when your job is done, you go home. You need to make practice, a doctors appointment, etc, you speak to your manager, loopmates, etc and work it out that way.
FWIW.....I NEVER missed an appointment, practice, meet, tournament, etc etc because of work, and in 22 years I have brought back unattemped packages ONCE, and only because they pulled me off the road so they can use my truck for the PM
How many jobs do you know of where you stay until all the work is done. Literally all of it. Nothing is left for the next day.
I know a few. I hear from my step-girls a lot how their step-mom HAS to work late.
It's always been my theory that they purposely hold down raises to make people grudgingly stay for the extra money. Rarely saw topped out people working Saturdays in most of my stations.
I just topped out last October. Besides PEAK, I don't remember the last time I worked a Saturday. It has to be at least 10 years