so you're saying that banning guns will prevent 30,000 deaths per year?
My first response is simply; DUH.
Secondly, banning hanguns would prevent "innocent" family deaths, rather than deaths related to violent crimes like robbery, holdups or drug trade related crimes.
You fail to realize that the most violent part of our society are the "Law" abiding ones. Typically, a gun used in a holdup for example, is not used to slaughter people, its merely an intimidation tool to get what is wanted.
On the other hand, law abiding people, when life deals them a crappy hand, take the guns in their possession and decide to respond to life by taking the lives of others.
There is no reason for this. This type of homocide is the reason to ban all handguns. As citizens, we kill each other more than any other country in the world including IRAQ.
Why not save some of those 30 thousand people? Why not prevent the deaths and injuries of thousands of children and family members?
Why do gun owners feel its acceptable to "marginalize" the deaths of people in this country?
I personally hate guns. I personally feel there is no need for them.
If cops and robbers have guns, then let THEM shoot it out.
Sure, even without guns there will be crimes, but the difference is simple, a guy with a knife isnt going to go to a christmas party and knife 9 people to death!
With a gun, its almost a guarantee that it will happen again somewhere in this country.
How many school shooting do we have to have in this country before anyone decides to remove guns from homes?
So far, no one wants to, they would rather give access to distured kids so they can inflict there pain onto other innocent children.
GUNS kill, people are just the vehicle for them to do what they are designed to do.
I am truly amazed at how many "wyatt earps" came out and said that "if I had my gun, I would have shot that dude".
How stupid is this.
What are we? The Wild West?
We are going to promote shootouts in the home?
There will be more homocides than ever in the coming months. The economy is wrecked and getting worse by the week, when this happens, family members lose jobs, lose cars, lose homes, get divorced, lose children, then lose their minds and go kill someone or themselves.
This is a fact in this country.